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ebay to Acquire Magento 7 Jun 2011 | 06:02 am
eBay to acquire Magento
Magento Community Edition 1.8 13 Jun 2013 | 04:23 pm
Después de casi un año esperando una nueva versión de Magento, eBay acaba de lanzar la versión alpha de la esperada versión Magento Community Edition 1.8. Aunque tendremos que esperar a probarla (la v...
Magento EBay Integration | Magento EBay API 27 Aug 2013 | 08:56 am
Sell more products with our Magento eBay Integration solutions. Our developers know the nuances of integrating eBay Extension with Magento. 5 Farkinda
Top 5 reasons to use Magento Enterprise for eCommerce 22 May 2013 | 02:13 am
1. Community Behind it: Magento is here to stay. There are thousands of companies as well as individuals that have invested in Magento. Ebay purchased Magento back in 2011. Ever since Magento has beco...
ERP with Collaboration Suite 30 Jun 2011 | 06:33 pm
ITOKA Collaboration solutions for MAC and PC ...for the always connected generation Completely integration with TAOBAO and ebay, Magento, osCommerce,Zen cart... Arm your company with the tools nee...
eBay Magento inkl. Einbau und Support 30 May 2012 | 08:10 pm
Der Verkauf Formatvorlage enthält Informationen über die Auflistung Art, Menge und Dauer Auktion gibt Preis-bezogenen Daten (einschließlich der des Best Offer). Beschreibung Template stellt Produkte ...
Magento and eBay Integration 1 Mar 2011 | 01:31 pm
Magento and eBay integration can do wonders for sales. Directshop are experts, with a number of eBay integrations ranging from the basic to the advanced. The Directshop team are eBay specialists. We ...
Créer un site e-commerce avec Magento 24 Feb 2012 | 12:36 pm
Pourquoi Magento ? Magento est devenue en moins de 5 la référence des soltution e-commerce, le rachat de Magento Inc. par eBay prouve la que Magento est d’une très grande qualité. Cette solution est ...
Ebay купил платформу электронной коммерции – Magento 7 Jun 2011 | 05:23 am
По словам Peter Kafka, компания Ebay приобрела (точнее сказать – договорилась о покупке) Magento. Гигант электронной коммерции собирается создать что-то новое, под названием X-commerce (“integrated ...
Magento Podcast #13 1 Aug 2011 | 08:44 pm
Richtig was zu erzählen hatten wir dies mal. Über 60 Minuten Magento Know-How zu aktuellen Themen sind es dies mal geworden. Aber es war ja auch viel passiert: Vom Ebay-Deal, zu Gerüchten von Magento ...