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Magento 1.4 模板升级到 Magento 1.5 23 Mar 2012 | 06:37 pm
magento1.4的模板放在1.5, wishlist 功能是不能用的,登陆后点击添加到收藏夹会跳出错误页。看来magento对此功能的模板文件作了修改。如果你也有同样的问题,请用magento1.5的模板文件替换1.4的模板文件。 需要替换的文件路径为: 1.使用magento1.5的app\design\frontend\base\default\layout\wishlist.xml 替换...
Magento – Inscription newsletter dans le header 14 Aug 2010 | 12:54 am
Astuce Magento 1.4 Pour afficher le bloc d’inscription à la newsletter dans le HEADER de votre boutique Magento, il suffit de modifier deux fichiers : Dans layout/page.xml de votre thème, rajouter l...
Magento 1.4 模板升级到 Magento 1.5 23 Mar 2012 | 02:37 pm
magento1.4的模板放在1.5, wishlist 功能是不能用的,登陆后点击添加到收藏夹会跳出错误页。看来magento对此功能的模板文件作了修改。如果你也有同样的问题,请用magento1.5的模板文件替换1.4的模板文件。 需要替换的文件路径为: 1.使用magento1.5的app\design\frontend\base\default\layout\wishlist.xml 替换...
Magento Text Area Above Individual Products Using Custom Layout Design XML 30 Aug 2012 | 01:56 am
I recently wanted to add a text area above a selection of products on a Magento site in order to advertise that they we on special offer. Like this: The easiest way I found was to use Custom Layout De...
Adding Cache Support to Magento Blocks 10 Dec 2012 | 11:18 am
Caching is an essential feature of Magento for maintaining performance. Magento provides a caching mechanism for Layout, Blocks, Collection Data, and Configurations. Normally layout updates, configura...
magento 如何把评论reviews 显示在商品页下 9 Jan 2013 | 01:13 pm
为了提高转化率,会将客户对商品,服务的评论显示在 商品页内,让新顾客有购买的参考依据。 首先找到对应模板文件里的catalog.xml 文件,默认模板的catalog.xml路径是app\design\frontend\base\default\layout \catalog.xml,打开该文件,找到 ,这个标签里定义的内容就是产品详细信息页的页面内容结构。继续找到 ,这里定义了产品详细页里边...
Magento certification: Register layout XML files 26 Jun 2013 | 10:59 pm
How can layout XML files be registered for the frontend and adminhtml areas? In Magento, you may register a new Layout XML file with layout updates by adding this piece of XML to your module config.x...
Magento certification: Register layout XML files 26 Jun 2013 | 10:59 pm
How can layout XML files be registered for the frontend and adminhtml areas? In Magento, you may register a new Layout XML file with layout updates by adding this piece of XML to your module config.x...
Adding a CMS Block to your Magento footer 31 Mar 2012 | 05:03 am
A quick explanation on how to add a CMS content block into the Magento footer area using layout xml in the defut page layout.
adding css class name to my account link anchor tag in magento through xml layout 17 Aug 2011 | 09:44 am
At the first instance I thought WTH! must be pretty simple, add params in XML layout and “Voila!“. But later I found that it was not simpler as I thought. I had to get into the addLink method for some...