Most magic set editor related news are at:

[M13] - Top 5 "Draft around me" cards 17 Aug 2012 | 09:35 pm
So normally Core Set Drafting comes down to more about opening good rares and removal and putting together a deck that doesn't necessarily have much synergy beyond cards being in the same colors. M13 ...
Almost 2 years.... 17 Aug 2012 | 05:37 am
My first post on this site was two years ago on this thread ( Don't worry, it's not the TAG thread. It was getting ready for spoiler season for Scars of Mi...
More magic set editor related news:
Party Magic Set 8 Sep 2011 | 05:59 pm
Party Magic Set - 1. Finger Fighting, 2. Dynamic Bomb and 3. Number Trap {highslide type="img" url="party magic/party magic all.jpg" width=450 captionText='Party Magic 3'}{/highslide}
Drag&Drop Nested Set Editor for Admin Generator 17 Jan 2009 | 05:29 am
Most of my web application have some kind of hierarchical structure in their models. It gives my users the ability to categorize their data in a pleasant way. The only problem is that its hard to crea...
Thailand - Moneky Magic 30 Dec 2007 | 10:40 am
Set off from Siam Reap, hoping to get close to the Thai border by the day's end. Was going to be tough, heard so much about this next section of road; pot holes big enough for cars, face masks to ...
Cricket Captain 2011 iOS 14 Sep 2011 | 04:02 am
The No.1 selling Cricket Management Game, updated for 2011 and is now available for iPhone and iPad! New for 2011: • Field setting editor, including quick change controls. • On-line match-play betw...
My Magisto Movie by Magisto 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am Created by Magisto - Magical Video Editor ( magisto homepage
关闭phpstorm的“即点即输”功能,避免多余空格 20 Nov 2012 | 07:53 pm
PHPStorm 5增加了挺多的功能,的确是更强大了。 不过使用后,有一个功能让我随时受不了,就是在编辑页随便点哪里都能把光标移过去,类似于word的“即点即输”。竟然把自己当word了。。。 仔细找了下,终于找出来怎么关闭了: 这一功能在phpstorm中不知道叫啥名,去掉方法是 打开File-Settings-Editor,把Allow placement of caret after end...
Jun 24, Tanzania Vacations 25 Jun 2013 | 01:25 am
The first thing that comes to mind for most people thinking about Tanzania vacations is “safari.” And this land of wide open savannahs is a magical setting for those wanting to view some of the most r...
Modern La Jolla Beach Wedding by Alchemy Fine Events, part 2. 3 Jul 2013 | 01:20 am
Under the Sea Asian Zen La Jolla Beach Wedding: The Reception With the vision of an ‘under the sea’ inspired Asian zen ocean, we created a magical setting to completely transform Scripps Forum into a...
Among the wildflowers 8 Jul 2013 | 09:00 am
If I wasn't cured of my knitting ennui before, it is safe to say that a few days among the wildflowers was just the magical setting to rekindle the fire in my fiber loving heart. It is nearly impos.....
Northumbrian - Bloodstone 29 Jul 2013 | 10:27 pm
A tale of Dark Age Magic set in Rome, the fading capital of a once great empire and Gefrin, a tiny settlement on the edge of that empire. Cenau doesn\'t want to die in the Amphitheatre, but escape se...