Most maida val yoga related news are at:
– Iyengar Yoga Institute, Maida Vale, London
Summer timetables 22 Jun 2012 | 11:41 pm
Summer Timetables We have posted some changes to the timetable for the last week of July and throughout August. Please check the live feed before making your journey. You may also download pdf versio...
New Free Taster Classes 12 Apr 2012 | 11:04 pm
Free Introductory Iyengar yoga classes Our new Foundation Yoga Courses in London will be starting soon. There are three courses on weekday evenings and one at the weekend, so pick a time that suits y...
More maida val yoga related news:
Yoga retreat Ashwani-val szeptember 20-22. 5 Jun 2013 | 01:48 pm
Jóga, filozófia, és meditáció A jóga az egyik legősibb és legtudományosabb alapokon nyugvó életforma. Filozófiája több mint 5000 évre tekint vissza, s ennek ellenére, még mindig a legmodernebb és leg...