Most exporting rules related news are at:
New Review of “Alfresco 3 Web Services” 10 Jan 2011 | 06:44 am
The doQuent blog just published a new review of our book, “Alfresco 3 Web Services”. I will just quote the conclusions, but you might want to read the rest yourself: Overall, I found the book to be a...
The Model-View-Controller pattern and Configuring Web Scripts with Alfresco 11 Oct 2010 | 08:56 pm
Another article, excerpted from our book, Alfresco 3 Web Services, is available now on Packt’s website. Here is the introduction: One way of looking at the Web Scripts framework is as a platform for ...
More exporting rules related news:
iPhone 4 Eternity SD Theme for iPhone 1 Jul 2011 | 11:28 am
The forever lasting theme on your iDevice! Completely themed with a beautifully elegant look! Download Featured with Auto create icons, so no more unthemed icons!!,,,...
AnyAttach attachs any files within iPad mail app 27 May 2012 | 03:48 pm
Saving Outgoing Emails on Mail App for Mac 1 Dec 2011 | 12:50 am
We’ve noticed a slight problem with IMAP mail on the Mail App for Mac: for some reason, outgoing messages we sent hadn’t been saved on the server by default. This obviously resulted in a lot of confus...
How To Take Gmail Offline With The Offline Google Mail App [Chrome] 17 May 2012 | 05:26 pm
At times, you want to use Gmail but you do not have an Internet connection. You can do so by using Chrome’s Offline Google Mail App. There is no need to have an internet connection for using Gmail. Yo...
No more Google Sync for BlackBerry 22 Apr 2012 | 07:01 am
Bad news from Google, alfter killing the Google Mail app last year, they are shutting down Google Sync for BlackBerry. Even BIS, the app that replaced it, will be discontinued after June 1, 2012. If ...
WG8uWmgd 17 Feb 2012 | 12:28 am
SO. anyone have any suggestions on a decent media player that can play .wmvs straight from the mail app like VLC did?? I have VLC but preparing for the day I have to change up due it no longer being u...
Mail-Aliase in Apple’s 23 Aug 2011 | 10:49 am ist der mitgelieferte Mailclient von Apple’s OS X. Wenn man – aus welchem Grund auch immer – mehrere Email-Adressen hat, die aber alle für das gleiche Postfach gelten (also Aliase), muss man ... の備忘録から Evernote に移行する 27 Jan 2011 | 07:03 pm
発売日に予約した IS03 が漸く入荷したので受け取ってきた。 いじり倒せる Android 端末が入手できた。 事前に電池のもちが異様に悪いと噂があったので、Killerアプリ等でコマメにアプリを終了し倒すように気を付けているので、ある程度許せる範囲に留まっている気がする。 まぁ、ノートパソコンにあるような大容量バッテリとかが出てくるのは、歓迎するが。。。どうなんだろう。 MacOSX の...
Flagit!TM 20 Mar 2012 | 09:23 pm
Flagit!TM Adds multi-colored flags to Mac Mail Version 1.9.3 – Released on Mar 20 2012 DOWNLOAD BUY $15 PayPal Google Flagit!TM brings multi colored flags to's "Mark" menu. Create as...
Alternativen zur Android Mail App 3 May 2012 | 03:15 am
Das Nexus One, und damit das erste Android Handy, ist im 10. Januar 2 Jahre alt geworden und kann man somit als Geburtsstunde von Googles Betriebssystem ansehen. Nun knapp 30 Monate später ist das And...