Most mail for exchange related news are at:

Uzay Sergisi – Marmara Forum 1 Feb 2013 | 02:33 am
Bugün çocuklarla beraber Marmara Forum’daki dünyanın en kapsamlı uzay sergisi olduğunu iddia eden sergiyi gezdik. Sergilenen birçok obje maket olmasına rağmen oldukça iyi ve başarılı hazırlanmış bir s...
Cep Telefonları İçin Alternatif Batarya 1 Feb 2013 | 02:09 am
Emektar Nokia E71′imin orjinal bataryası BP-4L yaşlılık nedeni ile günde 1 kere şarj ister oldu. Nokia mağazasına sorduğumda yeni batarya için 160 TL fiyat biçtiler. Bir AVEA bayisine danıştım, elimiz...
More mail for exchange related news:
Configure Mail For Exchange on Nokia 5 Jun 2010 | 07:41 am
This is post shows how you can configure mail for exchange on your Nokia device.Steps are written specific for Nokia N95 device however it is also applicable to all other compatible E series and N se...
Update your E71 Firmware to the latest here 17 Apr 2009 | 04:15 am
Nokia E71 software version 110.07.127 released - 10 November 2008 This software release includes a new versions of Mail For Exchange and Nokia Maps. The release also includes a number of performance i...
Connecting Mac Mail to Exchange 2007 11 Sep 2011 | 04:39 am
Connecting a Mac running OS X Snow Leopard to a server running Microsoft Exchange 2007 is not quite as simple as it should be. We use Microsoft Small Business Server 2008, which comes with Exchange 2...
Mail for Exchange by Nokia 設定 23 May 2010 | 04:34 pm
前回、Nokia の Mail for Exchange を使ってNokia携帯スケジューラとGoogleカレンダーの同期の紹介をさせていただきました。 Mial for Exchange のダウンロードサイトが Ovi Store 変更になっております。 ネット上を検索しても いずれの紹介サイトも 旧URL のリンクが多いので前回記事で紹介した URLから入手していただければと思います。 早...
Mail for Exchange by Nokia - Googleカレンダーと同期 22 May 2010 | 06:43 pm
長らく Nokia 携帯電話を利用しておりますが Nokia 日本撤退後も Nokia電話機は便利で手放せません。 特に、E-mail機能が充実しているのと Gmail アプリと組合わせてとても便利なので今回更にGoogleカレンダーを使ってみました。 Google カレンダーとNokiaの同期 最近、PCではGoogle のサービスを利用する頻度がどんどん増えているのですが携帯電話の予定表...
Google Sync e Nokia 6730 3 Sep 2010 | 06:55 am
Mi appunto qui le indicazioni su come sincronizzare il Nokia 6730 e i servizi Google nel caso possa essere utile a qualcuno. Per effettuare la sincronizzazione si usa Mail for Exchange: il nokietto i...
Nokia Mail for Exchange available for Asha 302 and Asha 303 11 May 2012 | 09:47 pm
Nokia Mail for Exchange is available as a beta release for the Nokia Asha 302 and Nokia Asha 303 S40 handsets. This protocol enables Email, Calendar and Contact data synchronization between... [[ Thi...
Using Zarafa with Z-Push on Kubuntu 12.10 14 Oct 2012 | 02:58 pm
This is a quick guide how the set up the Zarafa groupware on (K)ubuntu 12.10 and use it with Mail for Exchange. Zarafa To set up Zarafa, I followed the (German) guide on
More reports of Outlook sync problems with OS X 10.8.4 5 Aug 2013 | 01:36 pm
Readers continue to report problems syncing Outlook 2011 for Mac mail with Exchange and other devices after updating the Mac to OS X 10.8.4. Microsoft indicated that Office 14.3.6 might fix this, but ...
Email hassles with Android and Exchange: couldn’t open connection to server 8 Aug 2013 | 05:15 pm
I have an Asus/Google Nexus 7 which is set up to receive mail from Exchange 2010. At least, it was. Some time ago it stopped receiving mail. When the mail client tried to sync, I got this message: “...