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More malay wedding planer related news:
Salam to everyone, Feast your eyes with this beautiful malay wedding of Sarah & Burhan, taken during their wedding reception in Bandar Baru Bangi. And keep updating our blog coz there will be a few ...
Adat Perkahwinan orang Melayu kita 28 Oct 2010 | 03:05 pm
Many younger generations nowadays doesn’t really know how the process of wedding takes place. Ofcoz this is a Malay Wedding. Kalau org Putih… main bagi cincin kat tepi pantai, tak ada family hadir pun...
Malay Wedding 29 Oct 2008 | 08:17 pm
A Malay wedding is usually performed when either one or both spouses are Malay. Malaysian law defines a Malay person as a Muslim. The traditional wedding ceremony is in two parts. The first part is th...
Persatuan Jurugambar Perkahwinan dan Potret Melayu Malaysia. 18 Feb 2012 | 10:01 am
Malay Wedding & Portrait Photographer Malaysia, MWPPM adalah satu persatuan yang didaftarkan untuk menyatukan jurugambar perkahwinan dan potret Melayu, bagi menjaga kebajikan ahli-ahlinya serta menjag...
FIRDAUS AND HANIM PreWedding 28 Oct 2010 | 12:00 pm
Hye..Congrats to Firdaus and Hanim, diorang merupakan pemenang cabutan bertuah anjuran CDQA Media (Ratu Sehari, Bridal Guide, Shaadi magazine) @ Malay Wedding Expo tidak lama dulu.. Hadiahnya sesi 2 ...
Just married! 14 Apr 2012 | 12:39 am
„Der Hafen der Ehe“ darf jeden Freitag im Mai um 20:15 Uhr auf Romance TV wörtlich genommen werden. In der romantischen TV-Reihe „Kreuzfahrt ins Glück“ sorgt das Wedding-Planer-Traumpaar des Luxusline...
FIRDAUS AND HANIM PreWedding 28 Oct 2010 | 08:00 am
Hye..Congrats to Firdaus and Hanim, diorang merupakan pemenang cabutan bertuah anjuran CDQA Media (Ratu Sehari, Bridal Guide, Shaadi magazine) @ Malay Wedding Expo tidak lama dulu.. Hadiahnya sesi 2 ...
Classic Wedding (Part 1) 12 Dec 2012 | 03:46 pm
The uniqueness of Malay weddings lies in the very culture-specific celebrations. Let's see - we'd first have the akad (solemnization ceremony), usually organised by the bride's side, and is usually do...
Indonesian Wedding Dress By Angel Paris 2 Mar 2013 | 08:26 pm
Unlike most western wedding dresses, the dresses worn on Malay weddings are very colorful and the groom’s outfit will usually match the colours and style of the bride’s costume. In Singapore and Malay...
Professionelle Hochzeitskarten im Trend 18 Mar 2013 | 04:02 am
In der heutigen Zeit werden Hochzeiten oft nicht mehr von und mit der Familie geplant, sondern man gibt diese wichtige Aufgabe an einen Wedding – Planer weiter. Der Wedding – Planer plant und organisi...