Most malick senses of cinema related news are at:
Welcome to Issue 67 of our journal 7 Jul 2013 | 12:07 pm
“It was a harsh and courteous battle that had neither winners or losers. A compromise came out of it, and the film that I filmed in China is the fruit of this compromise.” The film Michelangelo Antoni...
Features 7 Jul 2013 | 07:05 am
Contents “So Have Things Gone”: A Place Beyond the Pines by Joseph Natoli ‘When Ordinary Seeing Fails’: Reclaiming the Art of Documentary in Michelangelo Antonioni’s 1972 China Film Chung Kuo by Alic...
More malick senses of cinema related news:
To the Wonder: Terrence Malick trascende il cinema 4 Jul 2013 | 06:15 pm
To the Wonder (To the Wonder) Terrence Malick, 2012 (USA), 112’ uscita italiana: 4 luglio 2013 voto su C.C. Neil (Ben Affleck) e Marina (Olga Kurylenko) si godono il loro idillio parigino finché l’uo...
62nd Melbourne International Film Festival Dossier (2013) 7 Jul 2013 | 07:00 am
To coincide with the 2013 Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF), Senses of Cinema has commissioned a series of articles that cover two particularly important and vibrant strands of its vast pro...
Divendres o el llimbs del Pacífic de Michael Tournier 20 Sep 2008 | 03:09 am
Es molt freqüent veure en cinema que algú fa un "remake", o sigui, refà a la seva manera una pel·lícula antiga. S'ha fet, i es farà, amb més o menys èxit sense respectar si és un clàssic o una obra me...
Films 26 Jun 2011 | 08:52 pm
I am not a film critic or scholar, but simply a consumer and enjoyer of cinema. And a "student", in the sense of learning from, or being formed by the film, not so much things about cinematic art, but...
Minuit à Paris, Tree of life et Animal Kingdom : les sorties vod Cinéma de la semaine 8 Oct 2011 | 01:03 am
Minuit à Paris de Woody Allen, Tree of life de Terrence Malick et Animal Kingdom avec Guy Pearce sont les principales sorties VoD de votre semaine. De la poésie et de l’onirisme, une palme d’or et un...
The New World (id., Terrence Malick, 2005) 27 Jan 2006 | 04:45 pm
Il tema del film è malickiano in modo quasi parossistico: per uno che ha fatto del suo cinema il punto di una riflessione continua sull’incontro tra uomo e natura, la storia di Pochaontas sembra davve...
Mini-Pocket Update #6 22 Dec 2010 | 03:05 pm
A Naurenbanger Films, empresa alemã fundada recentemente, comprou os direitos de adaptação para o cinema de A Fantástica e Non-sense Vida de... Matt Liebert e já está iniciando a pré-produção de um lo...
Cap de setmana a Cardedeu. Sense anar més lluny. 8 Jun 2012 | 06:20 pm
Avui us tornem a donar unes idees per si us quedeu a casa i no voleu anar molt lluny. Del 7 al 10 de juny Cinema: SALMON FISHING IN THE YEMEN (La pesca de salmón en Yemen) Gran Bretanya. 2011. 107 ...
Making Sense of an Earth Filled with Violence 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Man murders wife over cold eggs—cinema gunman kills seven—madman shoots congresswoman—11-year-old shoots his father’s pregnant fiancee with a shotgun, and leaves her body to be discovered by her four-...
El clàssic cinema: Rebel sense causa 3 Aug 2012 | 03:00 pm
La recerca de respostes pot ser fàcilment frustrant, més encara en moments en què és la pròpia existència la que està en qüestió. L’adolescència és un paradigma de períodes com aquest, una agitada tra...