Most mammoth pow-wow related news are at:

PLANTS + WALK / Kanda Part.2 | 千代田区神田 後編 4 Mar 2013 | 12:56 pm
プランツ・ウォーク千代田区神田後編です。 神田と言えば、学生街。高層ビルに生まれ変わった明治大学も、一歩入れば緑がいっぱい。 スクールカラーをイメージしたフジ、校歌にあやかったハクウンボクなど、植栽も遊び心にあふれています。 そして山の上ホテルにはびっしりとツタで覆われた不思議なタワーが。初夏はもちろん、紅葉の季節には燃えるような赤から黄のグラデーションを描き出します。 古くから栄えた街だ...
PLANTS + WALK / Kanda Part.1| 千代田区神田 前編 4 Mar 2013 | 12:48 pm
久々のプランツ・ウォークは、東京千代田区・神田が舞台。 千代田区の樹木の達人、中木證蔵さんのご案内で街路樹をめぐります。 本の街「神田」にふさわしく、三省堂書店裏の神田すずらん通りからスタート。「すずらん」は関東大震災後に設置された「鈴蘭」型の街灯に由来するそうです。いまもスズランを模した街灯が設置されたその通りには、5月になるとマロニエのピンクの花が彩りを添えます。 靖国通りからお茶...
More mammoth pow-wow related news:
Time Out Week and Wacipi (Pow Wow) 13 Apr 2010 | 08:14 am
I am very pleased and excited to announce the 40th Annual UND Indian Association (UNDIA) and Indian Studies Association (ISA) Time Out Week and Wacipi (Pow Wow) to be held at UND April 12-18, 2010. T...
The Manitobah Mukluk's Put The WOW in Pow-Wow at Toronto's Bata Shoe Museum 12 Dec 2011 | 11:21 am
The 39th Annual Alabama-Coushatta Pow Wow 3 Dec 2011 | 12:54 pm
The 9th annual Alabama-Coushatta Children's Pow Wow 24 Nov 2011 | 07:22 am
Got My Arms, Got My Hands, Got My Fingers, Got My Legs 8 Mar 2010 | 08:00 am
1) Friend Pow-wow My friends and I had an open discussion about the problem of secrets dividing the group. I think it went very well. We came up with some ways to address the issue and prevent this fr...
The No Goal New Year 31 Jan 2012 | 11:00 pm
My writer girls and I had our year-end pow-wow last month about what we wanted for 2012. We do this every December…we talk about what we liked and didn’t like about the past year and what we want to ...
Nippon Connection Coverage Ahead on the Pow-Wow - Stay Tuned! 1 May 2012 | 04:46 am
by Marc Saint-Cyr It is that time of year again: Pow-Wow editor-in-chief Chris MaGee and I will once more be shortly heading over to Frankfurt, Germany to catch one of the biggest Japanese film festi...
Check Out the 2nd Block of Films Planned for the 2012 Shinsedai Cinema Festival! 22 Apr 2012 | 07:52 am
by Marc Saint-Cyr Recently, the Pow-Wow's editor-in-chief Chris MaGee has been hard at work preparing this year's Shinsedai Cinema Festival, which will be held in a new venue, Toronto's Revue Cinema,...
Pow Wow Vintage 1 Apr 2011 | 05:12 pm
{photos by Katie Neal Photo} I can't get over the treasures that Pow Wow Vintage has in their collection. Melissa from Pow Wow knocked our leather boots off with everything she brought down (100 ...
POW! WOW! BY MARQUISMONTES 6 Aug 2011 | 06:02 am
MarquisMontes is my recent favorite collaboration between Jose Enrique Montes Hernandez and Valérie Boulet, a Montreal-based duo with an amazing eye for color, light and detail. Their images have a w...