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Amazing Helicopter ‘Steals’ Water From Swimming Pool To Fight Fire 25 Aug 2013 | 12:58 pm
When you’re fighting fire, you use whatever tools you have available. Which is exactly what one quick-thinking helicopter pilot does when he runs out of water and comes across a swimming pool near a m...
Scotland Yard have received new information relating to the deaths of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed 18 Aug 2013 | 01:16 pm
Scotland Yard are examining new information which alleges that Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed were murdered by a member of the British military. Scotland Yard said it is “scoping” the information and “...
More man dies josh hamilton related news:
Josh Hamilton: “I’m Proof that Hope is Never Lost” 27 Oct 2011 | 01:28 pm
I’m Proof that Hope is Never Lost Not long ago, he was a dead man walking, a crack-addicted ex-phenom who’d hit bottom. Now he’s holding his own against his demons-and big league pitchers, too. by J...
Man over matter: The last glass eye maker 28 Feb 2011 | 04:20 am
Josh Haas is the last glass eye maker in Britain. Captured on 16mm film in this short documentary by Ben Todd he is one of a dying breed, still inspiring as much as it is ‘lypophrenic’. It’s simply me...
8 Regeln des Erfolgs, an die man jeden Morgen denken sollte 17 Aug 2013 | 12:57 am
James Caan der CEO von Hamilton Bradshaw Ltd. hat auf Likedin einen interessanten Beitrag über seine acht Regeln des Erfolgs verfasst: The Eight Rules of Success to Think About Every Morning Seine pe...
Bei Josh Duhamels Filmpremiere lauerten alle auf Fergies Babybauch 22 Aug 2013 | 03:17 pm
(Bilderquelle: Jessica Mazur) Premieren, die auf dem Hollywood Boulevard stattfinden, sind irgendwie immer ein bisschen surreal. Erst muss man sich seinen Weg vorbei an Spiderman, Mickey Mouse, Darth...