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More manage facebook from desktop related news:
How to Manage Facebook Pages 12 May 2012 | 12:16 am
Facebook fan page can be very useful for your business, as it is a platform through which you can collaborate with your customers directly. You can make your customers aware of all new offerings of th...
Featured Classes 1 Sep 2010 | 05:08 am
Featured Classes: 6294 – Planning and Managing Windows 7 Desktop Deployments and Environments January 17th – January 21st More details | Sign-up Now 2780-Maintaining a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Da...
Manage Facebook Pages with an App 24 May 2012 | 03:47 am
For quite a while now, the Facebook app for iPhones and iPads has had the ability to manage pages. It almost felt like an afterthought aspect of the app and was lacking in features. Facebook has since...
Management Consulting Tools 4 Apr 2011 | 10:11 pm
Creating a suite of Management Consulting tools Project Title:Management Consulting Tools – Desktop Application Customer: BT Global Services Our original brief was to create a suite of Management C...
Security Task Manager 12 Oct 2011 | 01:09 am
Security Task Manager is a desktop application, produced by Neuber Software GmbH, based in Halle, Germany. It detects all tasks/processes running on the computer and displays their ranking according t...
PPC Management Services | Google Adwords Management| Facebook Advertising | Search Engine Optimization 28 Mar 2011 | 12:00 pm
PPC-PPCManagement provides exclusive PPC Management services on the following platforms Google Adwords management, Yahoo Search Marketing, Facebook Advertising, Search Engine Optimization Contact Us o...
Kelola Facebook dari Desktop 12 Oct 2009 | 11:49 pm - “Anak gaul” di jagat maya pasti kenal Facebook. Situs jejaring sosial atau situs perkawanan ini memang makin populer saja. Maklum, jalur akses yang kian beragam (mulai dari PC sampai gadg...
Facebook Page App Now Available for iPhone Users 25 May 2012 | 02:22 am
Facebook recently launched an iPhone app to manage Facebook business pages. We were excited for them to finally come out with a solution like this, because many of our clients that are involved in ...
FBquick – Controllare il tuo Facebook dal desktop 30 Jun 2010 | 11:20 pm
Se avete fatto di Facebook il vostro stile di vita e non potete andare a dormire senza sapere cosa succede ai vostri amici o se avete ricevuto un messaggio od un invito, oggi vi presentiamo un’applica...
Windows 8 Tips and Tricks: Due Task Manager 10 Mar 2012 | 07:32 pm
Per avviare il task manager Ctrl + Alt + Canc / Task Manager Oppure sul desktop classico pulsante destro sulla taskbar / Task Manager Win + R scriviamo %SYSTEMROOT%/system32/Taskmgr.exe seguito...