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Case Study: An iPhone Strategy Game 16 Sep 2009 | 01:43 pm
Technologies Objective-C, XCode, SQLite, Apple Performance Tools, Interface Builder, App Store, iTunes Orbeez – The Great Orange Escape Orbeez – The Great Orange Escape is a strat...
Samsung lanzó el Galaxy S3, teléfono que ‘escucha, ve y entiende’ 4 May 2012 | 11:20 am
El móvil, que incluye aplicación de manejo por voz, llegó para darle la pelea al reinado del iPhone. Si existe un lanzamiento de telefonía inteligente, distinto al de un iPhone, que con seguridad hay...
iOS How To: Accessing iPhone Simulator’s SQLite 5 May 2012 | 05:51 am
When working with Core Data or SQLite, you never know if what your saving to your database is actually saving. Well if you’re testing with iPhone Simulator you can. Run your test that is supposed to b...
Creating a To Do List Using SQLite Part 2 1 Apr 2011 | 04:55 am
This tutorial is part 2 in our series of creating a to-do list. I will assume that you have completed the following tutorial and its prequisites. iPhone Programming Tutorial – Creating a ToDo List Us...
iOS Uygulamalarında SQLite Veritabanı Kullanımı 26 Feb 2012 | 03:03 am
Bu yazımda iPhone/iPad uygulamalarında plist'lerin yeterli gelmediğidurumlarda kalıcı veri depolamak için kullanılabilecek iki yöntemdenbiri olan SQLite veritabanından bahsedeceğim. Diğer yöntem Core ...
SQLite and CoreData 28 Mar 2009 | 12:18 pm
Yes, Apple has finally ported Core Data to the iPhone which means using SQLite in an application is not the best approach. Once the OS 3.0 is officially released, I will be posting more tutorials on u...
SQLite and CoreData 28 Mar 2009 | 08:18 am
Yes, Apple has finally ported Core Data to the iPhone which means using SQLite in an application is not the best approach. Once the OS 3.0 is officially released, I will be posting more tutorials on u...
Cómo hacer que la cámara del iPhone con Jailbreak gire como la del iPad 26 Aug 2013 | 06:11 pm
La aplicación de la cámara de los iPhone tiene una interfaz muy sencilla con muy pocas herramientas, un punto criticado pero que hace que su manejo sea más fácil al no saturarnos. Cuando vamos a hacer...
SQLite space within string 5 Nov 2012 | 10:17 pm
Today I was working in some SQLite3 tasks for one of our iPhone application. One of the problem I faced is that, I’ve to know the string data that contains a certain number of ‘ ‘ space. Suppose If ...