Most marble port stout related news are at:

Brains Craft Brewery 'Weiss Weiss Baby' 14 Aug 2013 | 06:46 pm
From the Brains Craft Brewery department tucked in a corner of the Cardiff Mega Brewery is a bottle of 'Weiss Weiss Baby', their Weissbier. I must admit I kinda like the name, being a nice gentle pun,...
Otley Oxymoron 13 Aug 2013 | 03:08 am
Oxymoron, a black IPA dry hopped to hell and delicious to boot! When I first had this a few years ago at the Great Welsh festival it was my first BIPA, I wasn't totally sold on it but since then its ...
More marble port stout related news:
New(beer)sflash! 27 Mar 2013 | 08:35 pm
Afternoon all. The following bottles are now in stock: Brooklyn Pilsner, Brooklyn Dry Irish Stout, Struise Tsjeeses Reserva Port Barrel Aged 2011, Goose Island Bourbon County, Mikkeller Yeast Series: ...
Thassos, Grecia (day 4) 21 Aug 2013 | 11:20 am
Inca o zi, inca o plaja de vizitat. De data aceasta, a venit timpul sa vizitam celebra plaja de marmura, sau Marble Beach. Am stat cateva ore pe acolo si ne-am continuat drumul spre port, unde am man...
Thassos, Grecia (day 4) 21 Aug 2013 | 11:20 am
Inca o zi, inca o plaja de vizitat. De data aceasta, a venit timpul sa vizitam celebra plaja de marmura, sau Marble Beach. Am stat cateva ore pe acolo si ne-am continuat drumul spre port, unde am man...