Most marc coleman pro-life ireland related news are at:

Eight facts most people don’t know about the physical and psychological consequences of abortion for women 27 Aug 2013 | 03:19 pm
Dr peter Saunders writing in his BLOG Christian Medical Comment says, ‘Contrary to popular opinion abortion hurts women.’ Dr Saunders Continues is an evidence-based Elliot Institute ...
Shock University of Limerick Study: Most medical students want abortion on demand, fewer would perform it 26 Aug 2013 | 07:10 pm
Both the Journal and the Sunday Times report on a study carried out by the University of Limerick on the attitude of medical students to the availability and performance of abortion in Ireland. Acc.....
More marc coleman pro-life ireland related news:
Anti choice extremists defeated in Ireland but new abortion legislation is worthless 15 Jul 2013 | 06:58 pm
Despite spending in the region of a million euro and getting the backing of the catholic church its now clear that the anti-choice extremists of Youth Defence & the Pro Life Campaign were resoundingly...
Now this is what being pro-life is. 24 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
Ireland Has Performed Its First- Ever Legal Abortion, And It Saved A Dying Woman’s Life The first legal abortion in an Irish hospital has been carried out in Dublin, the Irish Times confirmed on F...