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Thinking about Thinking 26 Aug 2013 | 03:27 am
I’m on my own for 6 days, while V and Finn are up in Scotland. I’m left looking after the dog and horses. I’m loving being on my own, doesn’t happen often. I’ve been sort of writing a story, hence no ...
Astrologers and Muggledom 13 Aug 2013 | 05:09 pm
I finally got fed up with being ‘Dharmaruci’ earlier this week. It’s a leftover from my Buddhist days that ended 15 years ago (my misspent youth!) As an essentially renunciative path, I have strong re...
More margaret thatcher astro related news:
Mery Streep encabeza la biopic sobre Margaret Thatcher 4 Feb 2012 | 09:15 am
Por estos días en la Argentina hay un tema en materia de política exterior que excluyentemente se lleva la atención: la disputa con Inglaterra sobre la soberanía de las Islas Malvinas… las Islas Malvi...
Cuando el Che luchaba contra Margaret Thatcher 17 Feb 2012 | 11:42 pm
La decisión del Parlamento ecuatoriano de aprobar que el Che luchó contra Thatcher y la absolución de una concejal que no sabía quién fue Agustín de Foxá recuerdan aquello de que la norma del perfecto...
Handbag Designer Inspired By Margaret Thatcher 14 May 2012 | 11:38 pm
Anya Hindmarch is a prominent hand bag designer who has created a number of memorable bags, none more so than here reusable handbag design in 2007. Im sure you will agree that this was definitely an ...
A Dama de Ferro dublado download gratis 18 Apr 2012 | 04:19 am
Download A Dama de Ferro Sinopse: O filme a história da ex-Primeira Ministra da Inglaterra Margaret Thatcher com a saúde prejudicada lutando contra o marasmo da sua aposentadoria e, vigorosamente, con...
A Dama de Ferro - Legendado - Ver Filmes Online 14 May 2012 | 10:41 am
Sinopse: No Filme Online A Dama de Ferro , Margaret Thatcher foi por mais de dez anos a Primeira-Ministra Britânica e teve uma série de importantes decisões em suas mãos. Algumas delas foram feitas...
In the time of Margaret Thatcher, when the politician, the banker, the businessman and the lawyer advised us to put the privatisation, downsizing and outsourcing of our country's industry before the j...
England No Longer Exists! 8 Apr 2009 | 05:07 am
On 16 April 1975, Margaret Thatcher said this to the Conservative Group for Europe: “It is a myth that our membership of the Community will suffocate national tradition and culture.” By 26 August 19...
La dama de hierro (2012) 26 Feb 2012 | 05:58 am
Llega al cine La dama de hierro, en inglés The Iron Lady, una nueva pelicula dramática/biográfica que ya cuenta con dos nominaciones al Oscar. Sinopsis de La dama de hierro (2012): Margaret Thatcher...
Canterbury reloaded 28 Oct 2011 | 12:37 am
Well its been a long time since I was in Canterbury last in fact so long I hate to think about it, Margaret Thatcher was probably probably in power if not Harold Wilson; think I’m showing my age Anyw...
Schottland - Bekannte Persönlichkeiten 21 Dec 2011 | 11:52 pm
Viele bekannte Persönlichkeiten kommen aus Schottland, besonders im Bereich der Wissenschaft und Politik. In der Politik hat sich vor allem Margaret Thatcher einen Namen gemacht, die von 1979 bis 1990...