Most marie antoinette biography related news are at:

Marie Antoinette – A Biography 2 Jul 2009 | 11:10 am
Marie Antoinette was the beautiful Queen of France who became a symbol for the wanton extravagance of the 18th century monarchy, and was stripped of her riches and finery, imprisoned and beheaded by h...
Marie Antoinette – A Biography 2 Jul 2009 | 07:10 am
Marie Antoinette was the beautiful Queen of France who became a symbol for the wanton extravagance of the 18th century monarchy, and was stripped of her riches and finery, imprisoned and beheaded by h...
More marie antoinette biography related news: 15 May 2012 | 08:08 am
El pasado Domingo 6 de Mayo de 2012 se celebró el XL CONCURS NACIONAL CANÍ "IGUALADA 2012" y Marie Antoinette volvió a triunfar obteniendo Exc.1 Mejor de Raza. La próxima cita es el 26 de Mayo en Mad...
33 Exposición Internacional Canina de Guipuzkoa 2012 3 May 2012 | 10:46 am
El pasado Domingo día 29 se celebró en Irún la 33 Exposición Internacional Canina de Guipuzkoa y nuestra joven promesa Marie Antoinette se proclamó vencedora en la categoría joven y mejor ejemplar de ...
El pasado día 18 de Marzo, presentamos en Girona a nuestra joven promesa Marie Antoinette en la categoría de cachorros consiguiendo su primera victoria como mejor cachorro. Esperamos que sea el primer...
Marie Antoinette costume talk 7 May 2011 | 09:01 am
Today I went to the Wallace Collection to see the Marie Antoinette costume talk. Last month, I was very happy listening to Madame de Pompadour sharing her life and fashion tips, so this time I was eag...
Weekly Zombies for Nov 4, 2009 5 Nov 2009 | 02:21 am
Get your Zombie Marie (Antoinette) pics at Two Ten Studios. A weekly post to share my latest zombie reviews and blogosphere finds. Join me weekly or whenever you have a zombie post by sending me you...
Marie Hamlet Inspired Cuff 18 Mar 2010 | 01:16 am
I made this beautiful cuff for a Marie Antoinette Hamlet inspired cuff swap. The materials needed to be mostly natural and to be in light colors. I think my partner will enjoy this. I know I loved cre...
A Beautiful Gift 12 Mar 2010 | 01:13 pm
A week or so ago, I received a beautiful gift in the mail from Terri Lynn Heinz. She just wanted to thank me for running the Marie Antoinette site. She is one of my fearless helpers who has been so pr...
Nefertiti ATCs 28 Feb 2010 | 04:49 pm
On the Marie Antoinette Mail Art Group, we have a "Royal Visitor" swap, which changes each month. This month, our guest was Nefertiti of ancient Egyptian fame. Here are the three cards I made for this...
Marie Sewing Heart Chatelaines 28 Feb 2010 | 04:46 pm
I have finished my work for another beautiful swap at our wonderful Marie Antoinette Mail Art Group. This was for heart shaped sewing Chatelaines. I had a hard time getting started on this swap. Latel...
Secret Friend Swap Gifts 28 Feb 2010 | 04:40 pm
We are having another secret friend swap over at Marie Antoinette Mail Art site. This time, our theme is Everything is Coming Up Roses. I chose creams, golden yellows, olives, peaches and a touch of b...