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[射箭] 护弦绳的缠绕方法(附视频教程) 26 Aug 2013 | 08:31 pm
弓弦使用了一段时间之后,护弦绳难免有一些松动,为了保护弦,还是有必要自己再绕一下护弦绳。视频里非常详细介绍了如何自己缠绕护弦绳,自己实践了下还是很简单的。 基本步骤总结一下: 拆掉铜扣,拆掉就的护弦绳 用分弦的工具,或者弦卸下(反曲弓)然后把护弦绳穿过中间 调整合适的位置,压着一个线头,紧紧绕大概30圈 30圈之后,线头可以拿出来,然后继续紧紧绕 到差不多位置时,利用反向的一段,将另一...
[射箭] 慢镜头回放反曲弓发射的物理运动(箭台、箭侧垫原理) 18 Aug 2013 | 12:01 pm
高速摄像机记录的反曲弓发射瞬间,慢动作非常清晰记录了箭离开弓的一瞬间的物理运动。我也是新手,看过这段视频后,对于箭台、箭侧垫会更容易理解。视频一共两端,第一段是从后面视角,对发射过程比较清楚;第二段是从正面视角,箭的运行轨迹更加直观。 对箭的物理运动,最关键的点(看物理运动自己理解的): 箭出去不是直着飞行的,箭是蛇形般摇摆出去的(如果箭的摆动合适的话,正好绕过箭台,不受到飞行的干扰) 箭第...
More market enabler related news:
Email marketing! 19 May 2010 | 09:40 pm
E-mail marketing enables you to proactively communicate with existing prospects and clients instead of passively waiting for them to return to your website, visit you, or call you on the phone. In fa...
Social Media Marketing Best Practices 1 Dec 2011 | 02:39 pm
Today, many businesses are actively using social media sites to promote their brand, increase exposure and reach target audiences. Social Media Marketing enables you to leverage the power of the inter...
Android: Install Google Mail in Cyanogen 7 and similar 8 Dec 2011 | 01:50 pm
How to install Google Mail (GMail) on your Cyanogen Android Phone: 1. The Google Mail app is just available in USA Market. You need the app "Market Enabler" and fake a USA Provider like Verizon or T-...
Entrepreneur Country: Small is The New Big 28 Aug 2012 | 03:58 pm
This year, Entrepreneur Country are looking at why small businesses are the champions of global economic growth. It is small businesses that are now reaching new markets, enabling the developing world...
The need of market research for your business 26 Apr 2013 | 12:36 pm
Marketing is essentially important for sound business. Marketing enables you to view the overall business from the customer’s viewpoint by considering different aspects such as channel, price,and dist...
Samsung Galaxy Tab2 16GB 10.1" Tablet - White at a reduced price of: £253.99 at 25 Jun 2013 | 05:52 pm
Samsung's first Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)-powered tablet offers a variety of new and improved Android OS features. An upgraded Android Market enables access to more than 400000 applications whi...
Webvriksha - The Leading Digital Agency 7 Aug 2013 | 10:22 pm
Online business promotion with digital agencies are relative very affordable, than the conventional ad placements, especially for the small and mid size businesses. The digital marketing enables you t...
Setting Up an e-Commerce Credit Card System in Emerging Markets 22 Aug 2013 | 05:04 pm
Enabling broader credit card functionality and multiple payment options on your e-commerce site allows you to sell to emerging markets, which comprise more than half of the world’s population, and to ...
New Email Wizard for Comm100 Email Marketing Enables Simple and Powerful Email Content Creation 8 Mar 2013 | 01:29 pm
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 8, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Comm100, the leading global provider of enterprise-level customer service and communication solutions, announced today the release of an intui...
Attention aux imitations 24 Mar 2010 | 08:12 am
MENTION DE PUR NOISETIER : « ATTENTION AUX IMITATIONS » MÉFIEZ-VOUS DE CETTE FAUSSETÉ « PUREMENT MARKETING ! » Ça me fait toujours sourire de lire la mention « Attention aux imitations » que Pur Noi...