Most marlene dumas related news are at:

Leider 21 Aug 2013 | 04:00 am
De docent – ‘Zeg maar Tom, jongens’ – had in lokaal 34 zijn schoenen uitgetrokken. Hij zat liggend op zijn bureau en rookte een sigaret. De asbak stond anderhalve meter verder en hij wierp zijn as erh...
Spijt 21 Aug 2013 | 04:00 am
De dikke vrouw uit mijn vorige column achtervolgt me nu al twee weken. Zo moest ik net nog aan haar denken toen ik met een taartdoos over straat liep. Een hele kleine taartdoos zou je kunnen zeggen te...
More marlene dumas related news: 7 Jan 2011 | 06:47 am
Oh la la, Marlene Dumas
MARLENE DUMAS: Measuring Your Own Grave 30 May 2008 | 11:29 pm
MOCA, LA 22 June - 22 Sept 2008 Exhibition travelling to MoMA, NYC This mid-career survey of the work of the acclaimed painter Marlene Dumas, the first of its scale to be mounted in the United Stat...
MARLENE DUMAS: Measuring Your Own Grave 30 May 2008 | 08:29 pm
MOCA, LA 22 June - 22 Sept 2008 Exhibition travelling to MoMA, NYC This mid-career survey of the work of the acclaimed painter Marlene Dumas, the first of its scale to be mounted in the United Stat...
Marlene's feedback about her orange Treo case 11 May 2007 | 07:43 am
We love to hear feedbacks from our customers. We found this customer testimonial in our mailbox few days ago: Recently ordered an orange case for my Treo. It is wonderful. I love the quality of the c...
Martha Marcy May Marlene 2011.HUN.PAL.DVDR-MWT 30 May 2012 | 05:27 am
Martha Marcy May Marlene 2011. (990 Mb-os fájlok : több táron) színes, szinkronizált, amerikai thriller, dráma, 98 perc, 2011. DVDR Martha.Marcy.May.Marlene.2011.HUN.PAL.DVDR-MWT rendező: Sean Dur...
Martha Marcy May Marlene 16 Nov 2011 | 07:32 am
Raise your hand if you haven’t been indoctrinated into a cult at least once in your life. That’s what I thought. Now that the Rapture has come and gone a half dozen times over the past few years and t...
Plátói szerelem dúlt Marlene Dietrich és Hemingway leveleiben 6 Mar 2009 | 06:13 am
A német "végzet asszonya" és a kalandos életű író 1934-ben ismerkedett meg egymással és az író 1961-ben elkövetett öngyilkosságáig állítólag csak plátói kapcsolat volt közöttük.
Barbie i trzy muszkieterki 1 Mar 2010 | 02:50 am
Bajka „Barbie i trzy muszkieterki” przenosi nas w magiczny świat znany z utworów najlepszych klasyków. Tutaj jednak łatwo dostrzec, że historia potoczyła się inaczej niż w powieści Alexandra Dumas. Ot...
2º dia 6 Jun 2005 | 08:34 am
Saí ás 10. Andei um pedação a pé. · Boleia dum casal de meia-idade. · Boleia duma carrinha carregada de relógios de sala, até Monte do Trigo. · Boleia dum tipo de Loures, que me explicou como funciona...
8º dia – Sábado 24 Apr 2005 | 10:04 pm
Uma sacana duma melga atormentou-me e não consegui matá-la: safava-se com uma perícia incrível. Aí pelo meio-dia, estive a cortar em pedaços uma parte do chouriço, do presunto, do queijo e da marmelad...