Most marshmallow meringue frosting cupcakes related news are at:

Fifteen 26 Aug 2013 | 06:02 am
A big old Personal Distance Record for me this morning. Fifteen miles. For those of you who have been across the finish line of a marathon, this may seem like no big deal. But for me, it was a huge m...
Charles Street 12 Miler 13 Aug 2013 | 04:36 am
This past weekend I set a new PR, ran my furthest ever race in my hometown, and entertained some very fine Peacocks. A great weekend indeed! But let’s back up a second. When Charles Street 12 was ori...
More marshmallow meringue frosting cupcakes related news:
Cocoa Angel Food Cake with Marshmallow-Meringue Icing: No-Fat But Loads of Flavour 2 Feb 2011 | 06:05 pm
Can a home-made cake be fat-free and flavourful? The cocoa angel food cake proves it is possible, capped off with a fluffy seven-minute-style icing (I used the same frosting as on the chocolate-malt-b...
Cherry Bomb Cupcakes with Meringue Frosting 30 Aug 2010 | 04:31 am
I felt the need to give these cupcakes a name – they had that much personality. I was about to add half as much chili as planned, but thought why not and dumped it all in. The result? Chili cherry cho...
M&M Cupcakes with Marshmallow Frosting :: Cupcake Monday 26 Aug 2013 | 10:10 am
Is there a better way to start a Monday than with an amazing cupcake? I spotted these M&M cupcakes last week, featured on the Huffington Post and started drooling at my desk. Erin from Lemon Sugar mad...
Chocolate cupcakes with malted frosting and toasted marshmallow filling 20 Apr 2012 | 03:54 am
The first time I spotted these cupcakes I knew they would be perfect for a coworker’s birthday. Never did I imagined I would find these to be one of the best cupcakes I have ever had. I am not a choco...
Sweet potato cupcakes with pecan streusel and toasted marshmallow frosting 23 Nov 2011 | 01:25 pm
Sweet potato cupcakes with pecan streusel and toasted marshmallow frosting 23 Nov 2011 | 08:25 am
So I am actually a little embarrassed. I made these last year and am just now blogging them. Better late than never? At least its a couple days before Thanksgiving so maybe these can also serve as a w...
Sweet Potato Cupcakes with Marshmallow Frosting 12 Apr 2013 | 12:00 pm
I've heard so much about baked goods made with sweet potatoes - like pie and cupcakes. However, I've never tried them before, though I have eaten baked goods made from purple Okinawan sweet potatoes ...