Most marvel and dc parody related news are at:

And the 2013 Joe Shuster Award for Créateur de Bandes Dessinées Web goes to… 27 Aug 2013 | 01:00 am
The Joe Shuster Awards, which goes to Canadian comics creators, were announced this week. The award for “Webcomics Creator / Créateur de Bandes Dessinées Web” have actually gone to some fairly promine...
The Webcomic Overlook #230: Ava’s Demon 10 Aug 2013 | 11:41 pm
It’s getting to be a familiar site these days to see animators flexing their creative juices in webcomics. Just about 5 years ago, it seemed like a novelty when Chris Sanders, animation director of Di...
More marvel and dc parody related news:
Batman 20 May 2012 | 10:35 am
It's ridiculous to compare Avengers with The Dark Knight Rises, I know. Both Marvel and DC are fantastic. I mean, Avengers is a family movie, kid-friendly and all. The Dark Knight Rises on the other h...
Marvel 1- DC Comics 0 6 May 2012 | 09:05 am
El Titulo puede sonar agresivo, pero es una realidad.... Marvel ha logrado que su pelicula THE AVENGERS sea vista por muchisima gente.... (entre ellos, mi sobrina, que poco sabe de estos heroes, pero ...
Action Figures - Thor, Iron Man e Green Lantern - Marvel Select & DC Universe 6 Jul 2011 | 02:46 pm
Meu mais novo vicio atualmente são as Action Figures, a coleção está no comecinho, até então já tenho da Marvel Select Thor e Homem de Ferro, e da DC Universe a AF do Lanterna Verde Hal Jordan, segue ...
56a emisión de "El Diario Extravagante" 23 Sep 2011 | 06:22 pm
En la 56a emisión de "El Diario Extravagante"... Don Gato y su pandilla, No le temas a la oscuridad y universo Marvel y DC. Música de: The Cranberries, Bon y los Enemigos del Silencio, Dead Man's.....
Problem? 10 Mar 2011 | 07:56 am
Why I am so angry: Let me give you the list of all the things I find wrong, damaging, or just plain boring with Marvel and DC comics. Characters switching allegiances for the flimsiest of reasons Co...
fuck yeah comics 10 Jan 2012 | 06:20 pm
Though Marvel and DC may perhaps be hoping to suck the air out of the space with function guides, there continues to be a thriving independent comics scene. I am on a Suicide mission. No, wait, that s...
ukainian forums search 10 Jan 2012 | 06:20 pm
Though Marvel and DC may possibly be trying to suck the air out of the room with event publications, there remains a thriving independent comics scene. I am on a Suicide mission. No, wait, that seems ... 10 Jan 2012 | 06:20 pm
Despite the fact that Marvel and DC may perhaps be hoping to suck the air out of the room with occasion publications, there stays a thriving independent comics scene. I am on a Suicide mission. No, wa...
Dug Up Some Old Pencil Sketches 23 Feb 2012 | 01:50 am
When I was younger, I spent most of my free time drawing or sketching. My notebooks, back then, all had drawings and sketches of superheroes (both Marvel and DC), anime characters, professional wrestl...
Os Vingadores - Análise 2.0 29 Apr 2012 | 11:59 am
Análise Avengers (Os Vingadores) o melhor filme de super heróis já produzido em ambos os Universos Marvel e DC Comics. A historia é simples nada pra complicar e tornar um filme ala Missão Impossível,...