Most mascote do ceara related news are at:

Poster do Avaí Campeão Catarinense 2012 14 May 2012 | 01:32 pm
Foi com sobras. Ganhou duas vezes do Figueirense e levantou o seu 16° título de Campeão Catarinense. Festa azul em Santa Catarina. Ao Figueirense ficou a reclamação de ganhar os dois turnos e ficou se...
Poster do Coritiba Campeão Paranaense de 2012 14 May 2012 | 09:14 am
Antes do jogo a diretoria do Atlético Paranaense resmungou, reclamou, pressionou.... mas não adiantou. O título foi mais uma vez para o Alto da Glória. O Coritiba se sagrou Tri Campeão em Terras paran...
More mascote do ceara related news:
London 2012 Mascot Designs 8 Dec 2010 | 09:52 am
2012 Olympic Mascot Designs Every Olympics needs at least one mascot. Apparently, the 1972 games in Munich the Olympics was the first time a mascot was used for the Olympics. It was a dog (a dachsh...
Free Mascot Design: “Jesse” the Bear 2 Dec 2010 | 04:12 pm
Alright so everyone knows mascot design makes us happy. So we’re extra happy to announce that Jesse is ready to be released into the wild! That means you get Jesse and you get him for free which shoul...
Cartoon Elephant Mascot, Mr.Bucks 27 Jun 2010 | 09:45 am
One of the funnest experiences we’ve had in recent time was the mascot design for Mr.Bucks. I mean, take a look at this guy. He’s got style, cool, pizzaz and cash dripping offa him. The client wanted ...
How to hire a character illustrator 14 May 2010 | 07:16 pm
If you have a website, comic or any of a hundred other reasons for needing a character illustrator. You will need to know how to find and hire one. A cartoon handyman mascot created by a professional...
Racoon Mascot Design 13 Apr 2010 | 05:17 pm
James got in touch with us for a new mascot design. Conceptually called “Rocky” he wanted an upright, bipedal Raccoon that was confident and happy and strapped with gear such as a climbing harness and...
Cartoon Mascot: Why Even Bother? 26 Feb 2010 | 03:36 pm
Cartoon mascot design ... Alive and well for all the right reasons. Getting a cartoon mascot is an additional expense for any organization. So why even bother with it … I mean, is it worth the time ...
50 Most Famous Cartoon Characters & Mascots 4 Nov 2009 | 09:27 am
Could you name fifty famous cartoon characters off the top of your head? I didn’t think I could … until I got started. I’d wager if you are over 30 years old, you would recognize and know every single...
RWE Energy Giant 13 Jul 2009 | 11:25 am
60 meters high and about 300 tons. The new mascot of the energy company RWE shows in the latest commercial that size matters.
Nate Robinson at Comix Comedy Club May 20th 16 May 2009 | 01:02 am
Nate seems like a pretty funny guy and it looks like he's going to try and prove it on stage Wednesday night. He'll be at Comix Comedy Club on the 20th for a special appearance on 12 Angry Mascots. ...
Servidores Públicos do Vale do Jaguaribe lançam Campanha Salarial 2011, na FAFIDAM 13 Mar 2011 | 09:49 am
Na última sexta-feira (04/03), a Regional da Federação dos Trabalhadores no Serviço Público Municipal do Estado do Ceará (Fetamce) no Vale do Jaguaribe lançou a Campanha Salarial 2011 no auditório da ...