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THE WEEKLY TRADE ROUND UP 2 28 Jan 2008 | 02:00 pm
Domenica, nuovo weekly… Info sul nuovo dei REM, mica pizza e Radiohead… Eh, lo so, è caduta la DC quindi ora sono tutti preoccupati se si farà un governo provvisorio DC o se si andrà a votare subito...
Local FOX news in DC holds Pizza Taste Test 17 Feb 2010 | 08:04 pm
The 4 anchors of Washington DC’s local Fox news show held their own comprehensive Pizza Taste Test between our #newpizza, Papa John’s, Pizza Hut, and a local shop. Watch the taste test and see which o...
Gas & Electric Oven Repair Washington DC 5 Jul 2012 | 01:21 pm
Oven-fresh. Those 2 words, put together, can bring a dizzying amount of delectable images to mind. Cakes, cupcakes, cookies, pies, baked salmon, baked ham, baked pastas, pizza, etcetera… When it comes...
DC Area AR2013 Conference & "Making a Pizza in 30 Minutes" Clip 26 Jun 2013 | 09:46 pm
Preparing to table at a Conference (in this case, the esteemed Animal Rights 2013 Conference in DC) is a daunting task. Sure, I've helped others at Conferences, and did several "head photographer" gig...
Festival Launches Fourth Annual Short Story Contest for Md, Va, and DC High School Students 19 Aug 2013 | 05:54 pm
What happens when you ask a satirist to write the opening lines for a short story contest? You end up with themes that involve psychics, fish-eyeball pizzas and pirates. The Gaithersburg Book Festival...
Where to Find DC’s Best Gluten Free Pasta 23 Aug 2013 | 06:47 pm
Many consider finding good Italian food a lost cause once they go gluten free. Fettuccini alfredo and chewy slices of pizza become just memories as you learn to live with sub-par rice pasta and pizza ...