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How To: Realtime AC3 / Dolby Digital Encoding for Games 25 Apr 2011 | 10:26 pm

This simple how perhaps might be useful to those who are connecting their sound card to a receiver that doesn’t have analog input (like me for example) and using the Matrix Decoder on your receiver do...

Google Friend Connect Intresting image 27 May 2009 | 04:50 am

first Profile is Owl, second is Puli(tiger), third is Cat, fourth is Rat, interesting to see those profiles

Barcamp OWL startet in zwei Wochen 19 Sep 2010 | 03:14 am

Schon fast ein Jahr ist es her, dass das erste Barcamp in OWL stattgefunden hat. In zwei Wochen starten dann davon die zweite Auflage – was genau das heißt und wie man sich dazu anmeldet findet ihr au...

Video: John Roderick on String Art Owls, Copper Pipe, and Bono's Boss 22 Jan 2011 | 07:51 am

[jump to video] Long story (not very) short? One night in 2003--after killing it in front of audience of about 30 lucky people in Oakland--The Long Winters needed a place to crash, and my wife and I ...

And Now, a Laughing Baby Owl 27 May 2012 | 08:29 am

Amateur photographer Conrad Tan caught this tiny Saw-whet owl having a real hoot while he was snapping a family of owls in the hills of Moraga, 30 miles east of San Francisco. Story, more pics at the...

Charlie Rangel Agreed. Allen West – Liberals Failed Blacks on the Democrat Plantation 20 Aug 2011 | 06:46 am

It is a World that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth… that you are only a battery to them -Morpheus, The Matrix I see Allen West as I see Morpheus Allen West calls out … Conti...

[UPDATE] Fachbeitrag: Favicons erstellen und nutzen 28 Apr 2012 | 12:00 am

Vor einigen Jahren wurde auf der Fachbeitrag Favicons erstellen und nutzen veröffentlicht. In diesem wird beschrieben wie man ein Favicon erstellen und in die eigene (VIO.Matrix-)Webseite...

KLARNA-Modul für VIO.Matrix-Shop verfügbar 3 Aug 2011 | 08:54 pm

Vor wenigen Tagen haben unsere Entwickler ein neues Modul für VIO.Matrix-Shoplösungen fertiggestellt. Damit ist es möglich, mittels des Anbieters KLARNA die Kundenbonität vorab zu prüfen und eine Best...

Introducing SLICK MATRIX 13 Jan 2012 | 06:17 am

Announced at CES 2012 the Slick Matrix system takes VIBE’s SLICK range to the next level- giving you exactly what you need for your car, with Speakers, Subwoofers and Amplifiers available in every siz...

Home 18 Dec 2009 | 02:17 am

MATRIX Institute of Information Technology (Pvt) Ltd, established in the first quarter of year 2006 offers Sri Lankan’s a wide range of courses, which ranges from Certification to Diplomas, Degrees an...

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