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The Eight Phases of Dating, According to Matt Inman 31 May 2011 | 12:17 am
Most people know Matthew Inman as the camera-friendly creator of the wildly popular, and slightly absurd, webcomic The Oatmeal. What a lot of people don’t know is that Matthew got himself into a posi...
The Six Types of Bad Kisses 28 May 2011 | 05:57 pm
Matthew Inman, the creator of the popular web comic The Oatmeal, started out his professional career as a web designer. He worked for a number of very boring companies until finally starting his own ...
Charles Carreon sues charities. I think he’s a dick. 19 Jun 2012 | 03:09 am
FunnyJunk is a website which publishes funny images. Many of these images are stolen from various sources – including hundreds stolen from TheOatmeal. When Matthew Inman, owner of TheOatmeal called ou...
SEO and the Oatmeal. Breakfast of Champions (Part 2) 1 May 2013 | 12:34 am
Last time, we talked about storytelling as part of an SEO strategy. We talked about how Matthew Inman, aka, the Oatmeal, has achieved great results through his illustrative storytelling. Well, today, ...
The Oatmeal: Matthew Inman makes grammar FUN 21 Aug 2013 | 04:10 pm
Click the above image to see an excellent visual explanation of how and why to use "whom" in a sentence. I love The Oatmeal's entertaining and quirky take on subjects as traditionally dry as grammar. ...
Hosszútávfutásom szörnyű és csodálatos okai 18 Aug 2013 | 03:42 pm
Ezzel a címmel rajzolt képregényt a The Oatmeal szerzője, Matthew Inman. Saját bevallása szerint megijedt attól, hogy "informatikus alakja" lesz a hosszú számítógép előtt töltött óráktól, így tíz éve ...
Winter 2012 / 2013 – The State of the Web 30 Dec 2012 | 04:17 pm
Matthew Inman from The Oatmeal has done it again, with The State of the Web (Winter 2012 / 2013). This time his topics of interest are: Google Fiber, Reddit & Digg, Eastern Cougar & Twinkies (you read...
What is your designation? GRI, ABR, e-Pro, E.I.E.I.O…… 17 Sep 2009 | 08:05 am
I came across this article on Inman News. It is a must read. The Real Estate Industry, as a whole, is a very proud group. Many times, needing space on the back of a business card to put information be...
Movie Review – 17 Again 21 May 2012 | 04:24 am
In my continuing effort to understand the appeal of Zac Efron, I rented the movie “17 Again.” The movie centers on Mike O’Donnell (Matthew Perry), a man who made a life decision as a love-struck 17 ye...
Ziyaretçi – The Caller – BRRip – 2011 – Tr Dublaj 22 Jan 2012 | 04:08 pm
Yapım: 2011 ~ ABD, PortoRiko Tür: Gerilim, Gizem, Suç Yönetmen: Matthew Parkhill Oyuncular: Rachelle Lefevre, Stephen Moyer, Luis Guzmán, Brian Tester, Lorna Raver, Alfredo De Quesada, Aris Mejias,...