Most maven grep plugin related news are at:

The Five Wisdoms of Open Development 15 Feb 2013 | 04:22 pm
Preparing my Open Development in the Enterprise talk for ApacheCon NA 2013 in Portland the week after, I’ve tried to capture the basic wisdoms of day-to-day work in an Open Development environment: If...
Ten years of blogging! 9 Nov 2012 | 03:49 pm
Although I had marked the date in my calendar, a great ApacheCon kept me busy and I missed Tuesday’s date for announcing that it’s been ten years now since I started blogging. Not that you’d care…thou...
More maven grep plugin related news:
maven release:perform failed after upgrading to OSX Lion #gpg #fink #homebrew 2 Aug 2011 | 10:34 pm
Today I tried to release Twitter4J 2.2.4 using maven release plugin and it failed with an error. It turned out that mvn-release plugin was unable find gpg command as I cleaned up /sw/bin directory aft...
Repository for maven-timestamp-plugin added 18 Feb 2010 | 11:53 am
A while back I released the maven timestamp plugin. While I was not able to convince the gatekeepers of the central repository that it is worthy to add (I mean after all that thing is trivial), some 3...
Maven Timestamp plugin 0.1 released 9 Jun 2008 | 01:27 am
I just released my first maven plugin. It's really the simplest possible piece of code you could imagine, but yet it makes it's goal (addings a timestamp variable to your build process) a piece of cak...
Create branches with Maven Release Plugin (SVN) 29 Nov 2011 | 09:59 pm
I’m currently working on Azure and web packaging (MSDeploy) support for NPanday. I want to do that on a separate SVN branch, which I’ll then reintegrate later on. The current trunk version is 1.4.1-i...
Maven Jetty-plugin and IntelliJ IDEA 23 Sep 2010 | 11:25 am
Scenario: You have a maven project and you want to tie with IntelliJ 9 to make it part of IDE built-in commands instead of using command line interface. Pre-requisite: Need to read Maven Jetty-Plugin...
Repository for maven-timestamp-plugin added 18 Feb 2010 | 06:53 am
A while back I released the maven timestamp plugin. While I was not able to convince the gatekeepers of the central repository that it is worthy to add (I mean after all that thing is trivial), some 3...
Maven Timestamp plugin 0.1 released 8 Jun 2008 | 09:27 pm
I just released my first maven plugin. It's really the simplest possible piece of code you could imagine, but yet it makes it's goal (addings a timestamp variable to your build process) a piece of cak...
Plugin maven-resources-plugin:2.5 could not be resolved 27 May 2013 | 07:24 pm
I downloaded Spring Tool Suite, created a new Maven project and when I saved it I got this error: Errors occurred during the build. Errors running builder ‘Maven Project Builder’ on project ‘SimplePr...
Re: Nexus OSGi Experimental Features - Bundle Maker 6 Jun 2013 | 11:32 am
Comment added by Anonymous Hi, i have installed folowing plugins on my Nexus Version 2.5.0-04: Nexus Capability Plugin Nexus Maven Bridge Plugin Nexus Request Interceptor Plugin Nexus Bundle Mak...
(XML) Clear local maven repository on clean goal via maven-antrun-plugin - alces 24 Aug 2013 | 05:47 am
Using this configuration in pom.xml 'clean' should be only one task in mvn command line (for ex. mvn clean compile now breaks a build on dependency problem, but mvn clean && mvn compile works fine).