Most maze generator algorithm related news are at:

FPO Image Generator 4 Nov 2011 | 03:07 am
Is it not the norm for the agency developer of whatever flavor to be asked make more progress than what’s reasonable based on the current status of a given project at any given point in time? Thus, w...
MAQET 3D Gallery App for Android 19 Oct 2011 | 10:03 am
I just completed an Android app which is a simple 3D gallery of user-created designs for It was fun to be able to apply previous work – the MAQET configurator component done in Flash – to ...
More maze generator algorithm related news:
Maze Generation Algorithm 12 Feb 2011 | 10:03 pm
A couple months ago, while I was still a full-time student, which did not last very long, but that’s another story, I created a maze generator as a way to learn some C++, now posted here just for the ...
Have the A3 and A8 algorithms been broken? 2 Sep 2010 | 01:46 am
Most GSM providers use a version of COMP128 for both the A3 authentication algorithm and the A8 key generation algorithm. Ian Goldberg and David Wagner of the University of California at Berkeley demo...
Nexon NX Cash Card Generator v3 Get free NX codes & Karma Kions! 31 Jul 2012 | 07:38 pm
Today we will be releasing 3 generators which use our redesigned generating algorithm v2 which was used since in our Black Ops Key Generator. You can find the Black Ops...
An Inside Look at Lean Domain Search's Brandable Domain Name Generation Algorithm 16 May 2013 | 06:37 pm
At the end of March I launched Lean Domain Search's new Brandable Domain Names section. Brandable domain names, for those of you not familiar with the term, are domain names that can be used for a wid...
Eckel-The midi generating algorithmic VST 8 Aug 2013 | 08:05 pm
Eckel Eckel is a midi generating VST based on the eucledian algorithm. Inspired by and the linked PDF. If you are reading this there is a good chance that you ha...
Diffie-Hellman: choosing wrong generator "g" parameter and its implications of practical attacks 27 Aug 2013 | 08:02 pm
In traditional DH one chooses two shared parameters: a large prime "p" and base "g", which is primitive root mod "p". Suppose generation algorithm is broken and "g" generates only a subgroup (group wi...
Open source film recommendation engine from 22 May 2010 | 11:53 am, a social network for film lovers, has recently presented a new movie recommendations engine. The algorithm that generates recommendations is open source and has been released under AGPL...
Website development – and why DIY isn’t always the best option 25 Feb 2012 | 10:00 pm
It is tempting to think that the most effective, cost efficient way through the website development maze is to use one of the new generation of online website builders. After all, they’re low cost, we...
Tagul is becoming better 24 Jun 2010 | 05:38 am
I’ve completely rewritten the code behind Tagul cloud generator. The main purpose behind was to improve the way Tagul handle cloud shapes. Now the shapes should be more precise. Also new algorithms al...
SEO Article Generator Software! Version 2 14 May 2012 | 06:24 am
SEO Article Generator Software! Version 2 Features: Generate totally readable articles using special algorithm to scrape, mix and rewrite content intelligently. High quality and meaningful articles...