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Persistence in Massively Multiplayer Online Games 31 Mar 2012 | 09:32 am
Persistence in Massively Multiplayer Online Games Kaiwen Zhang McGill University Quebec, Canada Bettina Kemme McGill University Quebec, Canada Alexandre Denault...
Maura McGill Logo 15 Jan 2012 | 03:57 am
Swan Motif
CCA Charrette Competition 2011 5 Apr 2012 | 03:45 pm
The following is a competition entry that I (MrCotain) and my University of McGill peers Alexandre Hamel and Maxime Leclerc completed for the CCA 2011 Charrette. I am pleased to announce that we won...
Privateer Bryan Cook takes hard fought win at Steele Creek GNCC - McGill, Ballance on Podium 24 Mar 2009 | 04:26 am
Morganton, NC (March 21, 2009) - Derisi Racing’s Bryan Cook battled a determined pack of contenders to win the 2009 FMF Steele Creek GNCC in his home state of North Carolina, in round three of the 200...
Neds 12 May 2012 | 10:16 am
« Si vous voulez un NED, vous allez avoir un putain de NED ! »Glasgow, 1973. Le jeune John McGill est sur le point d?entrer au collège. Garçon brillant, la voie est cependant loin d?être toute tracée ...
2010 McGill Winter Carnival CUSID Meeting Minutes 25 Jan 2010 | 10:05 am
Attendance: Alberta Calgary Carleton Dalhousie Dawson EDS ESG-UQAM Hart House McGill Mt. Alison Osgoode Queen’s RMC St. FX Trinity UBC Waterloo York Agenda: 1) Membership request...
SEO Pimp Video & Lyrics 22 Mar 2012 | 04:51 am
Nerdene er i ferd med å overta verden, og denne musikkvidoen er intet mindre en presentasjon av faget søkemotormarkedsføring. PowerPoint er for pyser! Tory McGill har gjort en rap-video kalt SEO Pimp...
History of the Search Engines 19 Aug 2009 | 10:57 pm
Archie is the first search engine in the world, created in 1990 by Alan Emtage, a student at McGill University in Montreal. Archie is short for "Archives" but the programmer had to conform to UNIX st...
CALL FOR PAPERS AND SESSION PROPOSALS: Stateless Law? The Future of the Discipline 3 Feb 2012 | 05:13 am
Faculty of Law and Quebec ResearchCentreof Private and Comparative Law McGill University, Montreal CALL FOR PAPERS AND SESSION PROPOSALS STATELESS LAW? THE FUTURE OF THE DISCIPLINE Faculty of Law,...
baby sitting 14 Jan 2011 | 05:20 pm
Be careful when you put a baby caution when driving a car. "Babies who are in a seated position for too long will be very risky cause sudden death," said Dr. Aurore Cote of McGill University Health Ce...