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Dead Space 4? EA maintains faith in scary space IP 27 Aug 2013 | 05:05 pm
Dead Space 3 is unlikely to be the last game in the series, EA has suggested. Lower than expected sales of February’s release Dead Space 3 led to claims in March that Dead Space 4 had been cancelled....
ERA: Games retail will outperform video and music combined in 2013 27 Aug 2013 | 04:23 pm
Video games are expected to generate more revenue than both video and music combined this year. That’s according to the Entertainment Retailers Association, which predicts that Xbox One, PS4 and a sl...
More mcv related news:
Access session data in a model -cakephp 14 May 2011 | 08:05 am
Sometime we may need auth data for inserting in bforeSave method, i know it break the MCV rule but we sometime we need it for doing faster. I used it in beforeSave method in a module In this way we ...
Bienvenue sur ce nouveau forum ! 12 Feb 2008 | 04:54 am
. Bonjour à tous, Je me décide à créer un forum dédié au break Logan MCV. Je possède ce véhicule depuis juin 2007 et je me rends compte qu’il ne laisse pas indifférent. Pour ceux ; comme moi qui l’...
The Digital Dodge 15 Jan 2012 | 03:08 am
In this week’s MCV (Friday, January 13th), Michael French and Christopher Dring lead off the issue with a passionate call for digital providers to support The Association for UK Interactive Entertainm...
GAME Fail 7 Jan 2012 | 12:26 pm
In this week’s (6th January 2012) MCV, there’s a solid editorial piece by James Batchelor about the Government-commissioned Portas Review, which was designed to find out why our High Streets are faili...
Todos los detalles de PES 2009 12 Sep 2008 | 12:17 am
PES 2009 ya tiene fecha de lanzamiento en el Reino Unido, será el 17 de octubre para PS3, Xbox y PC, según leemos en MCV (en la web de figura el 16 de octubre como fecha de lanzamiento). Una d...
Ps4 y XBOX 720 casi confirmadas para el E3 2012 8 Jan 2012 | 12:36 pm
Así es mundoconsoler@s!! No deja de ser un rumor, pero estos días viene cobrando mucha fuerza en la red, y desde MCV, se confirma que una fuente fiable les ha pasado la información sobre que la posib...
I Am Alive выйдет 7 марта 27 Jan 2012 | 10:05 pm
Постапокалиптический экшен I Am Alive поступит в продажу 7 марта, сообщает MCV со ссылкой на компанию Microsoft. Игра выйдет в сервисе Xbox Live Arcade в рамках акции 2012 Xbox Live House Party. Цена ...
"Einige Blockbuster sollten früher im Jahr erscheinen" 20 May 2012 | 04:46 pm
In einem Gesprch mit MCV erklrt Simon Fox, Geschftsfhrer von HMV, dass es fr Einzelhndler gnstiger wre, wenn sich die Spiel-Neuerscheinungen besser ber das Jahr verteilen wrden besonders im Sommerloch...
MCV Project - Soul In The Universe (NTK - B Lounge remix) 29 Sep 2008 | 12:03 am
Лёгкий ремикс в стиле lounge...
2011 Dacia Logan MCV 1.6 MPI 90 bg LPG 20 Feb 2011 | 12:26 am
MOTOR Vites kutusu Mekanik Egzos emisyon normu Euro IV Motor tipi K7M Silindir hacmi (cm3) 1598 Çap x Strok (mm) 79,5 x 80,5 Silindir adedi 4 Sıkıştırma oranı 9,5 Subap adedi 8 Maksim...