Most media backbone ensemble related news are at:

エミー賞受賞放送局BYUB、Abekas Miraサーバでスポーツ中継やスタジオ収録 27 Aug 2013 | 02:00 pm
米国ユタ州にある総合大学Brigham Young University(ブリガムヤング大学:BYU)が運営する放送局(BYUB)のライブプロダクションでは、ファイルベースワークフローで必要なプロダクションサーバを新しく導入する。さまざまなメーカーのプロダクションサーバを揃えて、...
SGO、HFR/8K対応の最新MistikaポストプロダクションシステムをIBCで公開 27 Aug 2013 | 01:50 pm
スペインのSGO社は、DI+ポストプロダクションシステムMistika Postの最新バージョン7.4をIBC2013で披露する。このバージョンでは新しく、コンポジターとカラリスト両方が利用できる、シェイプ、スタビライザー、モーションスムージング機能を組み合わせた自動形状トラッキ...
More media backbone ensemble related news:
SmartJog and Sony Electronics announce at NAB that the Sony Media Backbone system now offers interoperability with the global SmartJog platform. 8 Apr 2013 | 01:27 pm
SmartJog is one of the latest to support Sony’s content/workflow management system Las Vegas, April 8, 2013: SmartJog and Sony Electronics are proud to announce that their joint clients can benefit f...
Grow Your Business With Us 28 Mar 2011 | 03:12 pm
Pinwheel Media is a multimedia design agency sculpted from the industry’s top interactive designers, Flash game designers, 3D animators, illustrators and web developers. This backbone of skill and kno...
Grow Your Business With Us 28 Mar 2011 | 03:12 pm
Pinwheel Media is a multimedia design agency sculpted from the industry’s top interactive designers, Flash game designers, 3D animators, illustrators and web developers. This backbone of skill and kno...
Grow Your Business With Us 28 Mar 2011 | 03:12 pm
Pinwheel Media is a multimedia design agency sculpted from the industry’s top interactive designers, Flash game designers, 3D animators, illustrators and web developers. This backbone of skill and kno...
Grow Your Business With Us 28 Mar 2011 | 03:12 pm
Pinwheel Media is a multimedia design agency sculpted from the industry’s top interactive designers, Flash game designers, 3D animators, illustrators and web developers. This backbone of skill and kno...
Grow Your Business With Us 28 Mar 2011 | 03:12 pm
Pinwheel Media is a multimedia design agency sculpted from the industry’s top interactive designers, Flash game designers, 3D animators, illustrators and web developers. This backbone of skill and kno...
#Socialmedia : 148 outils de #veille et d’#analyse 12 Oct 2010 | 08:36 pm
Voici un site qui recense de manière assez exhaustive l’ensemble des outils de veille et d’analyse dans les médias sociaux : Merci Ken. La veille est un des principaux en...
Mise en place d’un “panel single source” Télévision et Internet en France 17 Apr 2012 | 06:44 pm
Médiamétrie et Google travaillent ensemble à l'élaboration d'un panel single source télévision et Internet afin d'analyser les comportements "bi-médias" des téléspectateurs et internautes.
Backbone Media Designs Custom Websites 19 Dec 2008 | 10:36 pm
Backbone Media Designs Custom Websites We are one of South Africa's leading website design, online marketing and web development companies. Our experience in the Internet market has allowed us to pro...
Icones social media 4 Dec 2010 | 02:16 am
Hello Aujourd’hui je vous propose de télécharger gratuitement (pour cela il vous suffit de cliquer sur l’illustration ci-dessous) deux superbes ensembles de très beaux icônes des plus importants sites...