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Məmmədovun namizədliyi təsdiqləndi, İbrahimbəyova "yox" deyildi 27 Aug 2013 | 04:36 pm
İlqar Məmmədov Mərkəzi Seçki Komissiyası avqustun 27-də keçirilən iclasında REAL hərəkatının lideri, məhbus İlqar Məmmədovun və Demokratik Qüvvələrin Milli Şurasının sədri Rüstəm İbrahimbəyovu...
Əxlaq ("Əxlaq" silsiləsindən birinci yazı) 27 Aug 2013 | 04:28 pm
Uğurlu Fəxri Bir dəfə cavanlara evlənməyi məsləhət görən bir tanışıma nikahın bütün hallarda əxlaqa zidd olduğunu sübut eləməyə çalışdım.
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Artikel ke-68, Yahudi Bukan Isra’il 25 Jun 2010 | 01:53 am
Jika seseorang menyebut Isra'il, maka kata ini selalu disandingkan dengan Yahudi. Ini terjadi di banyak kalangan dari media, forum diskusi, bahkan majelis-majelis ta'lim, tak urung para pembic...
Social Media Forum: Boom or Bust? 20 Jan 2012 | 04:06 am
Wired Wednesday Presents: The Raw Truth on Social Media Marketing February 15 @ 12:00 Craddock Terry Hotel & Event Center Register Here > Download the event flyer >
Sirat-e-Mustaqeem Para 1 Part 3 By Dr. Ghulam Murtaza Malik 3 Sep 2011 | 08:42 am
Dr Murtaza has been teaching Quran and other Islamic studies at various institutions in Pakistan and foreign countries. He has also been delivering lectures on the PTV and other media forums.
Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE): Offener Brief an den Medienrat der MABB 8 May 2012 | 10:43 am
In Berlin the desicion of the Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg resulted in the closure of the Community radio Potsdam an less airtime for the other community radios. In support of the community radio ...
Présentation au Monaco Media Forum 14 Nov 2009 | 07:04 am
Vendredi 13 novembre 2009 – Monte Carlo Le Monaco Media Forum est l’Evénement incontournable de l’année pour tout acteur de la sphère médiatique, qui réunit représentants des médias traditionnels com...
Power to the Pixel: Cross-Media Forum Londres 2011 23 Nov 2011 | 02:14 am
Jeff Gomez: The Power of Transmedia Storytelling from Power to the Pixel Jeff Gomez (CEO de Starlight Runner Entertainment) es una de las principales eminencias del mundo transmedia y experto en stor...
Time warp… chosen as video partner of Monaco Media Forum for 3rd year in a row 2 Jul 2009 | 03:06 am
A quick comment from 2011… We were contemplating whether or not to migrate our old blog posts when we relaunched the new site. After looking through a good deal of them we decided to vote in favor of ...
Google+ vs Facebook – A comparative analysis 26 Aug 2011 | 07:33 am
Today Google+ is a center of talk in every social media forum and conferences. This is because of the unyielding traction that Google+ has had in its first two months of launch. Never in the history h...
Al Sanousi named Media Personality of Year 12 May 2012 | 08:45 am
Dubai Seventeen Arab media professionals were yesterday honoured at a gala ceremony on the concluding day of the Arab Media Forum 2012. Kuwaiti media expert Nasser Mohammad Al Sanousi was named Media...
Turkish, African media to work towards progress 23 May 2012 | 10:55 pm
A Turkey-Africa Media Forum was held in Ankara, the Turkish capital from May 9-10, 2012 with broad participation of representatives from the public and private media organizations as well as scholars ...