Most media nights at beach related news are at:

YUM CHA AT WAVES 13 Nov 2011 | 11:18 pm
Simply meaning to drink tea in Cantonese, Yum Cha at Waves offers a traditional Yum Cha concept with unique dining experiences including a Chinese Lion Dance, acrobats and Thai Dancer Catering to youn...
The first private beach in the GCC to be awarded the illustrious Blue Flag 13 Nov 2011 | 09:44 pm
Le Meridien Mina Seyahi Beach Resort & Marina has become the first private beach in the GCC to be awarded the illustrious Blue Flag. The International Jury decided to award the Blue Flag to 81 bea...
More media nights at beach related news:
Davis & Company Announces New Hires 1 Sep 2011 | 07:48 am
I’m excited to announce the arrival of several senior staff members. Carrie Woolridge joins the agency as Media Director/Virginia Beach. Carrie has more than 15 years experience in planning, buying a...
Costa Rica Long Weekend 4 days 3 nights 3 tours $485 p.p come for the long weekend! 29 Dec 2011 | 08:26 am
COSTA RICA THE LONG WEEKENDER PACKAGE 4 days / 3 nights $485 pp (usd. incl. tax) (dbl. occupancy) —————————————————– Duration: 4 Days – 3 Nights (Jaco Beach) Hotel: 3 Nights at Morgan’s Cove R...
Costa Rica Weekend 3 days 2 nights 2 tours $385 p.p come for the weekend! 29 Dec 2011 | 08:14 am
COSTA RICA WEEKENDER PACKAGE 3 days / 2 nights $385 pp (usd. incl. tax) (dbl. occupancy) —————————————————– Duration: 3 Days – 2 Nights (Jaco Beach) Hotel: 2 Nights at Morgan’s Cove Resort in ...
Social Media Night Stuttgart 3 May 2012 | 09:00 am
Mercedes-Benz-Musem. Quelle: Stuttgarter Zeitung / Leserfotograf r_oland Volles Haus, gute Stimmung, klasse Vorträge Das Jahr 2012 läuft für den Social Media Club Stuttgart so gut weiter, wie es 201...
4. Social Media Night 14 May 2011 | 01:29 am
Am 11. Mai fand die 4. Social Media Night im Mercedes Benz Museum, veranstaltet vom Social Media Club Stuttgart, statt. Im Fokus standen rechtliche Aspekte hinsichtlich Nutzung von Social Media in Un...
Haley’s Travels: phenomenal cuisine in Italy 16 Dec 2010 | 10:18 am
The church in Matera, melting into the cliffs at night. Rehoboth Beach restaurateur Matt Haley, after extensive travels in Tibet and India, made his way to Italy to sample the art, culture and cuisin...
Metro hoofdsponsor van Mixed Media on the Beach 10 Apr 2012 | 10:15 pm
Terwijl de voorbereidingen in volle gang zijn voor editie 20 van Mixed Media on the Beach gebeuren er nog veel meer leuke dingen bij ons op kantoor. Zo mogen wij sinds vorige week met gepaste trots Da...
Ready, GO! 15 Mar 2012 | 03:23 am
Met CP2 Fieldmarketing, Sooqr, en Survey Sampling International als eerste aanmeldingen zijn we goed van start gegaan op weg naar editie 20 van Mixed Media on the Beach. Zaterdag 16 ju...
Even voorstellen: twoppy 28 Feb 2012 | 04:04 am
Twoppy is nieuw en Mixed Media on the Beach houdt van nieuw. Dat is ook waarom er elk jaar weer 300 of meer professionals met ons op het strand staan. Samen gedachten delen, nieuwe ideeën presenteren,...
Inschrijvingen 2012 open! 28 Feb 2012 | 12:32 am
Met het verzenden van de eerste direct mailing naar ons totale bestand ex-deelnemers hebben wij zojuist de aftrap gegeven van Mixed Media on the Beach 2012. Dit jaar op zaterdag 16 juni 2012. Inschri...