Most media upload related news are at:

Backup & Share your Instagram collection, in seconds with 19 Dec 2012 | 04:15 am
Instagram’s recently announced changes to their Terms of Service have made a number of their loyal users feel very uncomfortable. We’ve personally witnessed their response with the tens of thousands o...
Configuring OpenPhoto as a service 11 Dec 2012 | 04:54 am
We’ve made OpenPhoto even more open by adding support as a service. You can now import photos into OpenPhoto or export photos out of OpenPhoto from any compatible service. This works with ...
More media upload related news:
add_thickbox (WordPress Function) - 18 Feb 2012 | 03:46 pm
Enqueues the default ThickBox js and css. If any of the settings need to be changed, this can be done with another js file similar to media-upload.js and theme ...
WordPress 3.3 Media Uploader – Developer Indulgence at the expense of Reliability 11 Jan 2012 | 03:10 am
I upgraded my personal blog to WordPress 3.3 shortly after it came out. The automatic upgrade still doesn’t work (in both of my attempts)… it almost gets the job done but then leaves the website in Ma...
Mengatasi Masalah Media Upload di WordPress 3.3 25 Dec 2011 | 07:37 pm
WordPress Indonesia - Banyak hal yang baru sebenarnya di WordPress 3.3 yang tidak nampak secara kasat mata. Butuh mata programming yang jeli untuk melihat perbedaannya. Salah satunya soal style pada ...
Changing a link to a file 22 Dec 2009 | 03:26 am
Just a quick tutorial explaining how to change a link to a file. Basically all you have to do is add the new file through the Media Uploader (“Add Media”), copy the link it provides for you, and inser...
WordPress 3.1.1 Released 6 Apr 2011 | 05:53 am
WordPress 3.1.1 is now available. This maintenance and security release fixes almost thirty issues in 3.1, including: Some security hardening to media uploads Performance improvements Fixes for IIS...
WordPress Media Uploader – Another HTTP Error Solution 17 Dec 2011 | 10:03 am
Tweet There are countless posts in the forums about errors that occur when using the media uploader. Otto does a pretty good job of outlining the main issues and solution in this post....
WordPress Updated To 3.1.1 6 Apr 2011 | 11:39 pm
WordPress 3.1.1 is now available for download. This is mainly a security release that fixes some issues with WordPress 3.1. The fixes include; Security hardening to media uploads Performance improve...
WordPress 3.3 version codename Sonny update available 1 Jan 2012 | 10:11 pm
WordPress came out with a new version 3.3 recently. It boasts of lots of new features like new admin bar, refined media uploader, more responsive, new layout, sidebar improvements etc. Some of the sa...
WordPress 3.3 – Scheduled for November 2011 Release 14 Oct 2011 | 02:43 am
Head over to and download the most bleeding edge version, WordPress 3.3 beta 1. WordPress 3.3 focuses much on the back-end admin navigation and media upload. Media uploader Improved a...
WordPress – List all image sizes in Media Uploader 12 Oct 2011 | 08:32 am
A handy code snippet to show how to use the new WordPress 3.3 image_size_names_choose filter to display all image sizes (ie those created by add_image_size() as well as the default image sizes) in the...