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Google sync for blackberry不能使用的解决方法 7 Aug 2012 | 02:58 pm
6月份时看到了这样的消息,谷歌将停止支持Google Sync黑莓客户端,当时觉得这真糟糕,但当它真正到来,才发现糟糕的程度远远超出想象。 我从一位广告公司的老总那里学习到一点,我们只见过一次,交换过名片,但我下次打他电话的时候,他在第一时间叫出了我的名字。 这给我留下了很好的印象,同时也决定要学习这一点。所以我在公开场合认识的人,交换过的名片,绝大部分我都会录入Gmail联系人,然后在黑莓9...
来信照登:QQ邮箱“举报”邮件现只需要一键操作 4 Jun 2012 | 11:01 pm
如果你是QQ邮箱用户的话,请确认一下,你的QQ邮箱“举报”功能,是不是只要点击一次就能搞定? 意外再次收到了QQ邮箱团队@文杰童鞋的邮件,信里除告诉我“举报”功能现在只需一键操作,同时也把这个功能设计的一些背景做了说明。 你好,李冰。 我是QQ邮箱团队的*文杰,之前在新浪微博上有看到你关于QQ邮箱“举报”功能的一些建议,我们团队内部也有进行讨论评估。 现已经对“举报”功能进行优化,用户举报...
More mediawiki url related news:
Moving On 10 Mar 2012 | 11:14 am
This is where you'll find me. Hi Friend, I am moving this blog to a new URL. You can now find me at: Things will look a bit different there, but all previous content from here, a...
AJAX PayPal Cart – Free jQuery Plugin for PayPal Shopping Cart 19 Nov 2011 | 02:55 am
AJAX PayPal Cart is an easy to use jQuery plugin for PayPal shopping cart that can be use by web developer to add a full shopping cart on e-commerce website. URL
URL rewriting technology - Static pages on your website 21 Mar 2008 | 03:36 am
Static URLs are very important to achieve best possible search engine positioning and to increase web site performance. Article comments main difference between static and dynamic page names (URLs) a...
Exchange Links...Improve Page Ranks and Traffic.. 21 Feb 2008 | 02:53 pm
For sites having Google Page Rank = 1 : Whats the deal ?? You give a link on your site's Sidebar to my blog : URL : with a TITLE : Sameer Khan's BLOG and I wil...
Evolução do Google | E o Trabalho de SEO? 24 Nov 2010 | 01:37 am
Lembram como eram os resultados do Google antingamente? Apenas resultados ordenados, contendo titles, descriptions e urls em sua interface? Pois é, O Google está em constante evolução e cada vez mais ...
Valid url encode with googlebot 8 Aug 2009 | 02:29 pm
If you are use non alpha characters in URL, you should encode them. It is easy to do this in many program langauge. I use php to do this: <?php $url_arg = urlencode(‘一将功成万骨枯’); ?> Yo...
VISIT WESTMORELAND, VA 12 Jun 2010 | 09:07 pm
No reference URL given
URL Encoder Decoder – Free Javascript 9 Jan 2008 | 08:27 am
This URL Encoder is a good way to encoder or hide html text. Our URL Encoder is a tool that converts HTML code into a Unicode string which means the text looks scrambled when your source code is viewe...
How to remove index files from URL on Nginx 30 Apr 2012 | 01:15 pm
So yesterday while i was idling on Freenode i saw someone asking in Nginx channel that he basically wants to remove the index.php file from the url or in other words he wants to redirect
Custom Filters - Filtering extension for VM 2 7 Jan 2012 | 11:13 pm
Custom Filters is our new filtering/searching extension for VM2 Its main features are: Filtering using : Categories Manufacturers Custom Fields SEF URLs Dependencies between filters Multiple d...