Most medical marihuana act of michigan related news are at:
– Michigan Municipal League Home Page
State Files Application for Administration of EECBG Competitive Grants for Michigan Non-Entitlement Communities 7 Jul 2009 | 01:07 am
Michigan non-entitlement communities for the EECBG competitve grant program are now able to review the state's proposed plan.
July/August 2009 Issue 30 Jun 2009 | 01:07 am
The Review - Official League Magazine
More medical marihuana act of michigan related news:
Will of the People 26 Apr 2012 | 01:07 pm
By Charmie Gholson By the time Michigan voters overwhelmingly passed the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act, opponents of the law had long been working to get rid of it. They knew they would need a supe...