Most megadeth slayer eindhoven related news are at:

No Entry 7 Feb 2013 | 07:49 pm
Voor alles weer volledig beschikbaar is zijn we misschien een paar weken verder, maar in de loop van volgende week is in ieder geval het forum terug en zijn alle artikelen weer te vinden. Lees meer.....
De onlangs bij ANTHRAX opgestapte gitarist ROB CAGGIANO heeft al een nieuwe werkgever gevonden: VOLBEAT. Caggiano was door Volbeat ingehuurd om het nieuwe album 'Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies', dat ...
More megadeth slayer eindhoven related news:
Родени убийци 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
На 22 юни тук ще се случи събитие, за което половината свят ни завижда – за първи път на една сцена, в една вечер ще свири Голямата четворка на американския траш (Anthrax + Megadeth + Slayer + Metalli...
Big 4 Again! 23 Feb 2011 | 08:46 pm
Last week we told you there would be a few more Big 4 shows and today's installment takes us to Milan, Italy. Look for more good times with Anthrax, Megadeth, Slayer, and yours truly at the Fiera Open...
Y&P Rocks: Avenged Sevenfold. Heirs to the Throne? 28 Jul 2013 | 12:26 am
By Todd Matthy Some of the questions metal fans constantly ponder are, “When will the next Metallica emerge?” “Who will raise the standard when Metallica, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Slayer, and Anthrax re...
Rock Song In Grammy 2009 (02) 27 Aug 2010 | 09:12 pm
Best Metal Performance 01. Dissident Aggressor - Judas Priest 02. Set To Fail - Lamb Of God 03. Head Crusher - Megadeth 04. Señor Peligro - Ministry 05. Hate Worldwide - Slayer Best Hard Rock Pe...
Megadeth - The Big 4 Live from Sofia, Bulgaria [2010] 3 Apr 2012 | 11:16 am
Video by Megadeth, Metallica, Slayer and Anthrax Released October 29, 2010 Recorded Vasil Levski National Stadium, Sofia, Bulgaria, 22 June 2010 Genre Heavy metal, thrash metal, speed metal Length...
29 Haziran'da Slayer ve Cradle of Filth Hi-Voltage Festivali 9 Apr 2013 | 11:58 pm
Voltajı Yüksek Festival Hi-Voltage Bu Yıl İkinci Kez Karşımızda! Bu yıl karşımızda 2 dev isim var: Slayer ve Cradle Of Filth! Geçtiğimiz sene Megadeth ve Trivium gibi 2 dev grubu ülkemizde ağırlayan...
Big 4 To Sweden! 2 Mar 2011 | 02:22 pm
The final announcement in our recent series of European adventures finds us in Gothenburg, Sweden on July 3, 2011. Of course Anthrax, Megadeth and Slayer will all be there for our first Big 4 show in ...
The Big Four (Metallica, Anthrax, Slayer , Megadeth ) - Am I Evil? - Live from Sofia, Bulgaria - 2010 27 Aug 2013 | 11:31 am
In the name of Heavy Metal The Big Four یک کنسرت زنده و مشترک بین چهار گروه پیشروی سبک ترش/هوی متال به نامهای متالیکا، مگادث، اسلیر و آنترکس است که در ۲۲ ژانویه ۲۰۱۰ در صوفیه بلغارستان اجرا و ضبط ش...
Nieuwe poll: metal in de bioscoop 25 Aug 2013 | 03:03 pm
Vanaf 10 oktober gaat Metallica's speelfilm Through The Never in een groot aantal bioscopen draaien. In 2010 schitterde Metallica al eens eerder op het grote witte doek, samen met Slayer, Megadeth en ...
Pictures and Review of Megadeth Live in Bacardi NH7 Weekender 2012 25 Oct 2012 | 11:38 am
October has been one hell of a month, I saw Megadeth live on 14th and Slayer on 20th. I feel like my purpose here in this world is done and if I were to die now, I would die a very happy Metal Head....