Most mein kampf related news are at:

The Nazis who 'confessed' there were homicidal gas chambers at Buchenwald... 27 Aug 2013 | 03:42 pm
Even if the Buchenwald homicidal gas chamber(s) - gas chamber(s) which "never ceased working in four years" and killed "at least 100,000 women" - didn't live for a very long time in Allied propaganda ...
Hitler was right graffiti in Spain at bullfight 27 Aug 2013 | 03:32 pm
:clink 'Hitler was right,' reads graffiti at Madrid bullfight | The Times of Israel Quote: Many of the 2,500-odd spectators at a bullfighting match in the Madrid suburb of Pinto were shocked Wednes...
More mein kampf related news:
The Angry World of Gene Hoyas 25 Apr 2012 | 07:25 am
Words are the pathways to action. Before there was the Holocaust, there was the book – Mein Kampf. In the 1920’s, a blogger (as he undoubtedly would be today) named Julius Streicher posted racist depi...
Mein Kampf 26 Sep 2009 | 04:17 am
A Japanese publishing firm has re-edited a translation of Adolf Hitler’s ideological pamphlet, first published in 1924. But this edition has a new twist: it’s a manga-style comic. It’s made quite a sp...
Improvement at the Guardian 20 Feb 2011 | 01:26 am
Since I spotted that the third most popular book at the Guardian Bookshop was Hitler’s Mein Kampf, things seem to have improved somewhat: This week’s bestsellers WikiLeaksby David Leigh & Luke Ha...
‘Mein Kampf’ a favourite of Guardian readers? 18 Feb 2011 | 10:05 am
I was browsing, as one does. There was an interesting article on health inequalities which filled me with all sorts of leftie worries and concerns. But then I nearly choked on my fair t...
ELLOS 14 Apr 2012 | 07:06 am
Adolf Hitler decía algo parecido en el «Mein Kampf»: «El papel que desempeñan los judíos en la prostitución y, sobre todo, en la trata de blancas, podía ser estudiado en Viena más fácilmente que en cu...
84 ans entre Mein Kampf et le discours du président Iranien à la tribune de l'ONU 31 Oct 2010 | 08:14 am
Il y a 84 ans d'écart entre la première publication de Mein Kampf et le discours du président Iranien à la tribune des Nations Unis. Les positions de Mahmoud Ahmadinejad soutenu par le Conseil de la R...
LOU FANÁNEK HAGEN - Jevany 2008 23 Aug 2008 | 02:58 am
01. Jevany 02. Libuse 03. Zepelin 04. Je dva! 05. Mein Kampf im Wald Rzaholetz 06. Tygri stopou 07. Radio Taliban 08. Plantaznici 09. Boleslav 10. My chabr´s dance 11. Strecha 12. Chatak 13. Tuica 14....
Eurabia - oder Islamophobie 8 Feb 2011 | 06:47 pm
Der Herr Wilders warnt vor der Islamisierung von Europa, spricht gar von einer Region Eurabia und vergleicht "Mein Kampf" mit dem Koran. Starke Worte. Zumindest aber weiss Herr Wilders politisch auszu...
Mein Kampf mit dem Live Security Platinum 13 Jul 2012 | 08:48 pm
Gestern Mittag hat es mich erwischt: Live Security Platinum war nach einem harmlosen Klick auf meinem PC und fing sofort an, Alarm zu schlagen. Mein PC wäre mit 38 Trojanern, Viren und Würmern verseuc...
El Fantasma de la re re re #RPMQRP 25 Aug 2012 | 07:06 pm
La lucha de Macri, lejos de “La razón de mi vida” – cerca de Mein Kampf Me resulta tan tedioso tener que escribir sobre esto que he desistido y retomado unas cien veces, más aquí me leen motivado por...