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Get Reliable Online Source of Mental Health Diagnosis 10 May 2012 | 09:47 pm
Nowadays we can find a lot of people who are suffering from mental health diseases. Have you ever met someone that has mental health problem? Or have you ever suspected someone to have the mental heal...
Counseling Awareness Month 4 Apr 2009 | 11:16 am
April is Counseling Awareness Month and is a great time to learn more about the different types of counseling that is available to kids who need help. When kids have a mental health problem, whether ...
The Feeling Of Depression And What Can You Do About It? 20 Apr 2012 | 08:10 am
Depression is an awful feeling of sadness and helplessness. It can turn into a mental illness when left untreated. In the United States, it is considered as the most common mental health problem that...
Adults in Later Life With Mental Health Problems 1 May 2012 | 12:53 pm
Grown ups in Afterwards Daily life With Psychological Well being Issues Most older men and women do not develop psychological health issues, but a significant minority have dementia or experience diff...
Mental Health and the Workplace 21 Jun 2011 | 11:32 am
Updated 20 Jun 2011 07:35 p.m. ET by About 44 per cent Canadians say they've coped with a mental health problem such as extreme stress, depression, substance abuse or schizophren...
Joshua Barham-Unit 3 Post 29 Mar 2011 | 04:09 am
Empirically supported couple and family interventions for marital distress and adult mental health problems This article discusses exactly the two things it says it does, with the 2nd portion, the po...
UCLA Center for Health Policy Research shows that 8% of Californians are Nuts! 3 Dec 2011 | 02:11 pm
Probably not a surprise to most but a new report from the UCLA Center for Health Policy suggests that 2 million Californians, 8% of the population, has mental-health problems or illnesses that require...
Residential & Day Services 23 Mar 2010 | 04:08 am
An activity suitable for: The elderly in care homes Active Living groups Clients with physical or mental health problems or learning difficulties, either in residential homes or day services Stude...
Demonstrating the Effectiveness of Housing Support Services for People with Mental Health Problems: A Review 29 Mar 2011 | 05:24 pm
Housing Associations and other support providers deliver crucial services to help people improve their mental health, maximise independence, sustain their accommodation and participate in community l...
Reducing the risk factors for perinatal depression - Professor Anne Buist 24 Jun 2010 | 02:00 am
Hear Anne Buist, Professor Director of Women's Mental Health, speak about her research into the risk factors and latest treatments for perinatal mental health problems, and the work she is doing using...