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10 Tanda Cewek Berbohong 3 Oct 2012 | 10:06 pm
10 Tanda Cewek Berbohong Berikut beberapa sinyal kebohongan yang dapat diperhatikan dari gerak-gerik kaum hawa seperti dikutip dari Your Tango. 1. Bahasa tubuh menggoda Saat seorang wanita ingin me...
Kate Middleton gets garland from topless tribeswoman, views topless sculpture in Solomon Islands as royals take legal action over revealing photos 18 Sep 2012 | 06:45 am
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are welcomed to Marau, Solomon Islands before they travel by boat to Tavanipupu, as part of the Royal couple's Diamond Jubilee Tour of South East Asia As her lawyer ...