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Top 5 Medical Risks for Boomers and Seniors 31 Jul 2013 | 10:20 pm
by Michelle Y. Llamas BOOMERS AND SENIORS are the largest growing segment of the population, and by 2030 there will be 72.1 million people ages 65 and older. Statistics also show that baby boomers wil...
Test Yourself for Age-Related Macular Degeneration 31 Jul 2013 | 10:13 pm
AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION (AMD) strikes at the macula, the heart of the eye’s vision center. This small part of the retina, which measures only about 3 by 5 millimeters (less than one-quarter-i...
More mercola diet sodas weight gain related news:
Weight Gain Diet Soda to the Rescue 16 Jul 2012 | 12:56 pm
Obesity is a common problem now, especially among the kids. Too much of junk food, oil, and aerated rinks has lead people to become fatter and fatter with each passing day. Although, there are many me...
Oct 7, Are Diet Sodas Fattening? Diet Sodas and Weight Gain 7 Oct 2012 | 03:46 pm
Here's a video about a study asking the question are diet sodas fattening? Avoid diet sodas may become a weight loss tip.