Most metal detectors treasure hunting related news are at:

Our Labor Day Sale is Going On Now! 27 Aug 2013 | 02:16 am
Right now, Purchase one of the below detectors and get a FREE Camo Backpack and FREE Book (The New Successful Coin Hunting). • Fisher F5 w/ 10” coil • Garrett Ace 350 • Teknetics Omega 8000 w/ 10” ...
Historic Finds Unearthed In St. Catherines, Canada! 27 Aug 2013 | 12:32 am
During this summer, a group of St. Catherines boys wanted to spend their time treasure hunting. Brothers and friends Mason Rewbury, 12, Evan Rewbury 10, Jared Shura 13, and Nicholas Shura, 9, searched...
More metal detectors treasure hunting related news:
The Bounty Hunter Discovery 3300 Metal Detector 6 Apr 2012 | 02:52 am
Treasure hunting is something that is becoming very popular and to be able to do it properly you need to have the right tools such as a one minute commissions review . This used to be a hobby for olde...
Increase your depth and range Underground Metal Detector 21 Apr 2012 | 03:31 pm
Increase your depth and range Underground Metal Detector Treasure hunting can be a very leisurely activity and can help individuals find peace and quiet in a buzzing world. Many people often spend ti...
Gold Mining Equipment, Gold Prospecting Equipment 16 Aug 2013 | 09:29 pm
At Miners Junction we are a stocking dealer of quality gear for gold prospecting equipment, as well as a selection of metal detectors & treasure hunting tools. Shop online for gold mining equipment, s...
Metal Detecting Tools 20 Aug 2013 | 11:32 pm
What's the best metal detector for hunting treasure? Help out other metal detecting aficionados get aquainted with the best metal detecting tools on the market. Share your tips and tricks and favorite...
Kellyco Metal Detectors St. Patrick's Day Sale 17 Mar 2009 | 04:39 am
Additional accessories and museum quality treasure coin replicas add up to make your next metal detector purchase with Kellyco a lucky one! We’ve added some outstanding packages to our most popular m...
1738 George II Half Penny Found in Niantic, CT with a Minelab Explorer Metal Detector 13 Mar 2009 | 02:19 am
1738 George II Half Penny As I was growing up in the town of Niantic, CT my father always took me hunting and the Thanksgiving Day Pheasant Hunt was always something special. Now my youngest son...
Treasure Hunting News & More 10 Jul 2010 | 02:37 am
Check out Kellyco's sponsored blog Treasure Hunting for blogs & news! Updated three times a week with Metal Detecting finds & more.
Eleventh Century Silver Coin Discovered in Southwest Region of England 3 May 2012 | 03:05 am
Maureen Jones was using a metal detector to search for treasure when she discovered an ancient silver coin near Gloucester, England. This 11th century coin dates from 1077-1080. Featured on the coin i...
Coins Lost and Found Again 9 Dec 2007 | 06:27 pm
A few years back I bought a metal detector off EBay. It was a Bounty Hunter Pioneer 202. Paid about $150 for it. I thought just maybe I would find a treasure trove of coins around some old house found...
C SCOPE CS990XD Metal Detector Review 30 Mar 2012 | 08:25 am
When you pick up your C SCOPE CS990XD metal detector review, you might want to purchase an old rug as well. Treasure hunters in Iran have found that a detector can operate unseen, as two friends shake...