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Mirrordead - Reborn (2012) 7 May 2013 | 03:36 am
Genre: Groove / Death Metal / Hardcore Country: Poland Format: mp3@CBR224kbps Size: 48MB Tracklist: 01. 10 000 000 Hugs & Kisses 01:03 02. Reborn 04:17 03. Betw...
Devouring – Primordial being of Chaos (2013) 7 May 2013 | 03:32 am
Genre: Death Metal Format: mp3 | CBR320kbps Country: Spain Size: 55 Mb Tracklist: 1. Ad portas mortis (Intro) 00:53 2. Dismemberment 04:22 3. Wall of Putrid Flesh 04:15 4. Extinction of Life 0...
More metal music blogspot related news:
Tasmania 23 May 2012 | 11:07 am
Tasmania Members Lydia – 21 I’m a tomboy girl, not very girly. I’m adrenaline junkie, I love cars and bikes. I’m into rock and heavy metal Music. I’m a down to earth chick. I have a high sex drive...
CD Review: Piranah - Piranah 2 Mar 2012 | 01:41 am
Piranah - Piranah Released: 2009 Orchestrated Records As a heavy metal music lover, I jumped at the chance when Chris Higgins, drummer for Piranah, asked me to review their CD. One of the great thi...
Experimental Metal music compilation available! 11 Sep 2010 | 02:53 pm
EXPERIMENTAL METAL COMRADE Experimental Metal Comrade is a music project initiative by TRO-NJO-I. You can listen and download mp3 from musician all over the world here.
Abattoir666 7 Aug 2010 | 09:22 pm
Hello fello metalheads, looks like months of inactivity from our end has not undone your interest in quest for good metal music. Hopefully, we will update the blog at regular intervals from now on an...
D.I.E (Death In Evolution) 18 Apr 2010 | 06:46 pm
Playing experimental death/trash Metal music concept since 2004. Influenced by Unleashed, Slayer, Morbid Angel, Behemoth, Paganizer, Deicide and Sil Khannaz.Performing gigs in a local underground scen...
Kilometer Nol 20 Jun 2010 | 06:33 am
This is my final task when I was in college 2 years ago... It's a promotion for "Kilometer Nol" film, which is a documentary film about history of Metal music in Indonesia... Enjoy!
Trees in SQL : an approach based on materialized paths and normalization for MySQL 27 May 2009 | 04:13 am
I’m working since a few months on how storing trees in MySQL. It started like “hey, let’s make a database of every genre of heavy metal music!”. So I began with the easy way : a tree structure in a ta...
Book Review: J. Daniel Gunther - Initiation in the Aeon of the Child 18 Sep 2009 | 02:16 pm
Throughout history, some individuals have profoundly influenced metal music and culture without playing a single note. Dante Alighieri. John Milton. Friedrich Nietzsche. Snorri Sturluson and Brynjolfr...
Judas Priest's Rob Halford Sets Out to Dress the Metal Gods 10 Oct 2009 | 12:10 am
While it might seem like a difficult task to reinvent that fashion staple of heavy metal music fans, the t-shirt, if anyone has the right credentials for the task it’s Rob Halford, lead singer of lege...
Please check this out. A more than promising start ....