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Black Sabbath - 1970 - Black Sabbath (Deluxe Expanded Edition 2009) 9 Jan 2010 | 12:46 pm
Heavy/Traditional, Doom Metal United Kingdom (Birmingham) Full-length, Warner / Vertigo, February 13th, 1970 TRACKLIST CD 1 1. Black Sabbath 2. The Wizard 3. Behind The Wall Of Sleep 4. N.I.B. 5. Evi...
INTERVIEW: Sledge Leather w/ JC 30 May 2012 | 12:38 am
Wednesday May 30, 2012 Sandy and Leone of Sledge LEather interview wednesday at 7:00 PM est on Heavy Metal Thunder with JC on Metal Messiah Radio
SPECIAL: Maximum Cavalera Tour Diary w/ Ipek 30 May 2012 | 06:58 am
Thursday May 31, 2012 Ipek's Maximun Cavalera Tour Diary special thursday at 9:00 PM est on Ipek's Wytching Hour on Metal Messiah Radio
INTERVIEW: Alex of Dtox ROckFEst w/ Double D 30 May 2012 | 06:51 am
Thursday June 7, 2012 Alex Martel Founder of Dtox RockFest interview thursday at 11:00 PM est on Metal Attack MTL with Double D on Metal Messiah Radio
INTERVIEW: Jack Gibson of Coffin Hunter w/ Vulgar 30 May 2012 | 06:52 am
Sunday June 10, 2012 Jack Gibson of Coffin Hunter and Exodus interview sunday at 6:00 PM est on Vulgar's Pit on Metal Messiah RAdio
Dream Theater Malakukan Audisi Drummer Kelas Dunia 30 Oct 2010 | 09:32 pm
Di sebuah interview dengan Metal Messiah Radio, vokalis Dream Theater James LaBrie melaporkan perkembangan bandnya setelah sepeninggalan Mike Portnoy. LaBrie berkata kepada DJ D.C. Green bahwa Dream T...
Old Skool Hardcore 94-97 Live Show Dec 2010 with MC Jack of Kats & Vinyl Vera 26 Nov 2010 | 10:53 pm
We play on this station every 2nd week on Thursday nights from 9pm-10.30pm GMT. 1. DJ's Unknown Vol 1 2. DJ Red Alert & Mike Slammer " The Ride" 3. DJ Red Alert & Mike Sla...
SPECIAL: Israeli Metal w/ Yusef 2 Jul 2012 | 10:33 am
Wednesday July 25, 2012 Israeli Metal Special wednesday at 6:00 AM est and at 1:00 PM est on Dj Yusef Middle Eastern Mayhem on Metal Messiah Radio
Black Sabbath - 1970 - Black Sabbath (Deluxe Expanded Edition 2009) 9 Jan 2010 | 07:46 am
Heavy/Traditional, Doom Metal United Kingdom (Birmingham) Full-length, Warner / Vertigo, February 13th, 1970 TRACKLIST CD 1 1. Black Sabbath 2. The Wizard 3. Behind The Wall Of Sleep 4. N.I.B. 5. Evi...
Old Skool Hardcore 94-97 Live Show Dec 2010 with MC Jack of Kats & Vinyl Vera 26 Nov 2010 | 08:51 pm
We play on this station every 2nd week on Thursday nights from 9pm-10.30pm GMT. 1. DJ's Unknown Vol 1 2. DJ Red Alert & Mike Slammer " The Ride" 3. DJ Red Alert & Mike Sla...