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Claudia, Tom y la Soledad 26 Dec 2011 | 01:51 am
En aquel metro viajan Claudia, Tom y la Soledad. Tom es de Dublín y Claudia de Denver. Al llegar a Canary Wharf se apean y caminan por el andén en direcciones opuestas . Tom es socio en un bufete in...
The Dubliner Magazine: Every Thursday With The Evening Herald 14 Oct 2010 | 06:01 am
The Dubliner magazine is distributed every Thursday with the Evening Herald, pick up your copy at your nearest newsagent. If you wish to contact The Dubliner or contribute to our Feedback page, email ...
100 NEW AMAZON JOBS IN DUBLIN 29 May 2012 | 11:36 pm
For those with the appropriate qualifications, Tuesday heralds a rare bit of good news for job-hunters. Amazon has announced 100 new jobs at their Development Center in Kilmainham, Dublin. The positio...
Dubliner Cian’s on top of the world after climbing Mount Everest for charity. 27 May 2012 | 11:24 am
On the evening herald website today! DUBLINER Cian O’Brolchain is on top of the world after bravely reaching the summit of Mount Everest. The finance professional and tennis coach completed the grue...
Shoptalk 17 Jun 2004 | 10:53 pm
Publication: Deccan Herald Edition: Bangalore Metro Life, Shoptalk is the Complete Online Ayurveda Store launched recently in Bangalore. The online Store deals with Ayurvedic medicines,...
Love Hate T-shirts going down a storm 15 Jul 2013 | 05:35 pm
The hugely popular RTE Love / Hate tv show has spawned a new t-shirt craze in Dublin according the Herald ! T-shirts featuring the Love Hate tv characters including favourties Darren, Fran and Nidge ...
Campbell joins MSR staff as writer 27 Aug 2013 | 06:56 am
Clete Campbell, a prize-winning sports journalist who spent 12 years at the Dubuque Telegraph Herald, has joined the Metro Sports Report staff as a reporter. Campbell, a graduate of Loras College, se...