Most mexican catholic anti american related news are at:
– Catholic American Thinker, seeking return to Critical Thinking & Decency.
Aug 27, Refuting Mohammed and his ideology of conquest masquerading as a religion. 27 Aug 2013 | 03:20 pm
Here we refute Mohammed, who should be seen as little more than a popular fraud among pagans.
Aug 22, A minority tail furiously wags a majority dog unto death. 22 Aug 2013 | 04:21 pm
In bending over backwards to mollify and molly-codle minorities, the majority forgets it is the majority.
More mexican catholic anti american related news:
American Anti-Americanism, Catholic Anti-Catholicism? 27 Aug 2013 | 06:37 am
I recently read a bit of an online article by Maureen Scott. One sentence -- a question she asked -- made me think: "Have we ever heard Obama speak lovingly of the U.S. or its people, with deep apprec...