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The Breakup Blueprint – Main 22 Jul 2012 | 11:46 pm
Michael Freeman, M.A. here — relationship counselor and your expert breakup guide… My promise: I’ll help you break-up as painlessly as possible (for you and your partner)! I give a lot of advice let...
Hong Kong Galleries – Pearl Lam 11 Oct 2012 | 09:42 am
Bright on white [Photo: Michael Freeman/Wallpaper] Pearl Lam pioneered Chinese contemporary art long before the rest of the world joined the bandwagon, and the grand dame of Asian art has finally come...
L'art de la narration photographique 21 Jun 2013 | 01:41 pm
L'art de la narration photographique, de Michael Freeman. Michael Freeman dans cet ouvrage, il vous enseigne les moyens les plus efficaces pour présenter des photographies signifiantes sur un support ...
How to Become a Binary Options Millionaire with Just $200 27 Aug 2013 | 04:08 am
Copyright (c) 2013 Michael Freeman The answer is yes! It is very much possible, and I will show you how you can do it with as little as $200! If you are looking to know how you can reach millionaire ...
L’art de la narration photographique – Michael Freeman chez Pearson 12 Aug 2013 | 12:00 pm
L’art de la narration photographique est un ouvrage du photographe Michael Freeman dans lequel l’auteur vous enseigne les moyens les plus efficaces pour présenter vos images. Si vous voulez faire la d...
Lectures d’été. L’art de la narration photographique par Michael FREEMAN. 16 Jul 2013 | 01:00 pm
Quand un photographe de référence – Michael FREEMAN – signe un ouvrage chez un éditeur comme Pearson, qu’on connaît déjà le calibre de l’individu pour avoir encensé ici-même « La vision du photographe...
Nou: Ochiul fotografului (01-04-2013) 1 Apr 2013 | 11:59 am
Compozitie si design pentru cele mai bune fotografii Autor: Michael Freeman Editura Litera, Bucuresti, 2011 Traducere de Ioana Pricop Unul dintre cei mai publicați fotografi la nivel mondial, Michael...
Maleta de livros fotográficos — Michael Freeman 12 Aug 2013 | 08:18 pm
Há algumas semanas recebi da Bookman Editora essa maleta muito incrível recheada de material fotográfico! Oficialmente, ela se chama Sistema de Referência de Fotografia Digital, e é composta de 5 livr...
Il Rito 21 Nov 2011 | 09:49 pm
il giovane Michael Kovak è quotidianamente a contatto con la morte, aiutando il padre nell’impresa funebre di famiglia. Per fuggire da quella tetra realtà e ottenere un’educazione gratuita, Michael en...
The Cash Code 15 Jun 2010 | 04:32 am
Dear Fellow Internet Marketer; Here’s the deal; Michael Jones has been making a name for himself over the years as one of the brightest minds in affiliate marketing and traffic generation in the ind...