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Marginal thinking, marginal analysis, marginal remarks 26 Aug 2013 | 02:51 pm
Last week I discussed white space, also known as negative space or air. The most obvious kind of white space in a book is its margins. A margin is the space between your text or illustrations and th...
Tiffany, Laozi and Picasso can help you make better books 24 Aug 2013 | 01:37 am
“Negative space” may sound like a “worm hole,” “alternate universe” or another strange phenomenon encountered by the crew of a star ship. Fortunately, you don’t have to understand astrophysics to unde...
More michael hyatt hypocrite related news:
Michael Hyatt’s New Book Platform, and Why You Should Buy It Today 26 May 2012 | 12:17 am
Happy Friday Everyone! Normally, I wouldn’t be pumping up a book like this, dedicating an entire post to it, but I’m just blown away by the quality of the offer and want to share it with you! I talk ...
Floaties, Punishment and The Freak Out 8 Jan 2011 | 02:18 am
A couple of days ago, Michael Hyatt published a delightful little piece entitled, "Why I Stopped Reading Your Blog". It was then that I realized that I am guilty. Guilty as sin. Horribly guilty and wo...
Reviewing "The Noticer" by Andy Andrews 28 Apr 2009 | 04:10 pm
Michael Hyatt is the CEO of Thomas Nelson, a giant Christian publishing house. He’s been tweeting about a soon-to-be released book called <a href="The Noticer. I’ve never done this before, but Hyatt’s...
Five Consequences of a Life Out of Balance 17 Oct 2011 | 04:46 am
by Michael Hyatt, Publisher, Author, Speaker If you are working more than fifty-five hours a week, you are working too much and likely out of balance. You may be able to work more than this for a sea...
Never Waste a Good Fiasco 15 Oct 2012 | 08:11 pm
Team, I wanted to share this Michael Hyatt post with you. The title is Never Wast a Good Fiasco. Leaders, coaches, and parents all realize that failure, painful situations, key loses, make those that...
What comes first, the chicken or the egg? 31 May 2012 | 09:40 pm
In business, maybe we should ask – what comes first, the product or the customer…the message or the audience? Michael Hyatt addresses this in his newest book, Platform, and I chatted with my friend re...
How to Become a Morning Person 11 Dec 2012 | 10:45 pm
By Michael Hyatt. See full post in his bblog: here Recently, someone listened to my podcast entitled “Become More Productive by Reengineering Your Morning Ritual.” They wrote to me and said, “I reall...
Six Psychological Secrets to Public Speaking 16 Aug 2013 | 02:00 pm
This is a guest post by Bryan Kelly. He lives in Chicago and interviews experts like Michael Hyatt, Chris Brogan, and Jeff Goins about presentation skills. You can watch his web show and follow him on...
My Struggle with the Concept of Life Planning 29 Jul 2013 | 04:30 pm
I am in love with the concept of life planning. Michael Hyatt, the former Chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, is now a writer, podcaster, and overall gentleman in the online world. He’s writ...
15 Leadership Blogs I read every day 26 Aug 2013 | 06:48 pm
1. Michael Hyatt 2. Seth Godin 3. Mashable 4. Fast Company 5. Perry Noble 6. Dan Pink 7. Simon Sinek 8. TED 9. Catalyst 10. Ron Edmondson 11. Leadership Freak 12. John Maxwell 13. Pete Wil...