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Chandler 4 Corners Announces Two Big October Events 2 Jan 2013 | 08:58 pm
Chandler 4 Corners, purveyors of fine hand-hooked wool pillows and rugs, is sharing its excitement about the crisp Fall season with two big offers in October—Free Shipping on orders over $150 for the ...
Only Two Weeks Left In The Chandler 4 Corners Autumn Facebook Contest To Win The Perfect Holiday Gift, A Personalized Hand-Hooked Wool Pillow 2 Jan 2013 | 08:58 pm
Chandler 4 Corners, makers of fine wool hand-hooked rugs, pillows and accent furniture is giving away one of their popular Name-Your-Dog pillows ($150 value) to the lucky winner of a contest running r...
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Gold Smith 6 May 2013 | 10:20 pm
I was curious when I heard about Michael Smith's new book, Building Beauty: The Alchemy of Design. Close on the heels of Kitchens and Baths and focused on the renovation of just one house, I wondered...
Basic Points To Keep In Mind While Designing A Website 10 Sep 2012 | 10:16 pm
Here is an article from a guest author with some good tips to watch for in designing a website. I hope you enjoy it.– Jim Smith By Michael Greaves With the increase in competition, more and more busin...
The NYT’s Evolving Drive to War on Syria 27 Aug 2013 | 07:19 pm
Above: U.S. President Barack Obama in Pennsylvania, on August 23, 2013 (AFP/File, Jewel Samad) By Michael McGehee: In George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel 1984, Winston Smith, the protagonist, is...