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Now Embed any Public Facebook post on your Blog 22 Aug 2013 | 07:51 pm
As everyone can see new changes being rolled out in Facebook, the latest one is "Embedded Posts" where anyone can add any Facebook post which is published as "Public" on their blog or website. I woul...
An Unemployed developer Hacked Zuckerberg's Timeline to expose Facebook vulnerability 20 Aug 2013 | 07:53 pm
Here's a story where a frustrated Palestinian Unemployed developer hacked Facebook CEO's Page to expose the vulnerability he found on Facebook and check out the reason why he is frustrated. As some o...
More microsoft genuine validation related news:
Membuat XP bajakan menjadi Genuine 9 Aug 2011 | 09:48 pm
Berikut langkah – langkah menjadikan XP jadi Genuine…. Bagi yang belum mengetahui apakah windows XP kita genuine atau tidak, tak ada salahnya mengecek dengan menggunakan Tool Microsoft genuine advant...
Free PC Software 27 Feb 2009 | 05:53 pm
Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool Software is software that can change Windows to be pirated or original Windows Original
Microsoft Genuine Products (13114) 19 Nov 2011 | 11:28 pm
PakXGamers is an Microsoft Certified Network Partner, Store Partner & Technical Support Partner.We Are Genuine Microsoft Products Retailer.We Also Deal In Original & Genuine Adobe Software’s, Coral So...
Genuine Validation 15 Apr 2010 | 11:24 pm
I’d like to validate you for keeping your hopes up. I want to accept you unconditionally because you’ve kept your dreams alive. I’d like to recognize you for the unique individual that you are. Ge...
Fix Windows Genuine Validation 2 Jun 2012 | 11:13 pm
Shocking facts about Fix Windows Genuine Validation
Genuine Validation 15 Apr 2010 | 07:24 pm
I'd like to validate you for keeping your hopes up. I want to accept you unconditionally because you've kept your dreams alive. I'd like to recognize you for the unique individual that you are.
Office 2010 SP1 (x86/x64) - DVD (Multilanguage) - [MSDN - Untouched] 2 Nov 2012 | 08:19 am
Office 2010 SP1 (x86/x64) - DVD (Multilanguage) - [MSDN - Untouched] | 2.81/2.48 GBThis Is The Original Microsoft Office 2010 SP1 (x86/x64) - DVD (Multilanguage) ISO From Microsoft. Genuine Untouched ...
util 4 Aug 2013 | 10:47 pm
windows xp original microsoft genuine diagnostic tool
Aggiornamento WGA da parte della Microsoft 5 Feb 2012 | 08:20 pm
Da qualche giorno la Microsoft ha annunciato che sta per terminare lo sviluppo di un aggiornamento di Windows Genuine Advantage che fino ad ora ha sempre avuto il compito di controllare la validità ...
IBM Lenovo ThinkPad R400 Intel Core 2 Duo 2200 MHz 160Gig Serial ATA HDD 4096mb DDR3 DVD ROM Wireless WI-FI 14 WideScreen LCD Genuine Windows 7 Home P... 16 May 2012 | 07:16 pm
FEATURED IBM Lenovo ThinkPad R400 Intel Core 2 Duo 2200 MHz 160Gig Serial ATA HDD 4096mb DDR3 DVD ROM Wireless WI-FI 14 WideScreen LCD Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 32 Bit Laptop Notebook Computer Pr...