Most mid west related news are at:

秋先取り★603大人スタイル ~秋の白~ 27 Aug 2013 | 12:30 pm
昨日あたりから名古屋は少し涼しくなりましたが皆さんのところではいかがでしょうか? このまま秋に突入してくれると嬉しいですねー とBLOGを書きながら外を見て見るとぴーかん晴れ・・・・・ まだまだ暑そう。。。 先日アートアクアリウム展に行ってきましたが今日も暑そうなのでこれでも見て涼を感じて頂けたら嬉しいです・・・ 10月までやってるそうでしかも夜10時までなので興味ある方は是非☆ そし...
入荷ラッシュ!! sacai luck-サカイラック- 27 Aug 2013 | 09:50 am
今回のsacai luckは、スタジアムジャンパーやバックスタイルが 立体的なAラインシルエットを代表に、 コンパクトなシルエットをベースにバックに入った大きなタックやボックスプリーツ、裾に張りを持たせることで描き出されるAラインシルエット、また背中を展開して異素材を挟み込み部分的に立体的なシルエットを持たせるなど、sacai luckらしいテクニックが見られるシーズン!! ブルゾン ¥68...
More mid west related news:
Molecule 8 May 2012 | 10:25 am
The DJ/ Producer known as Molecule began his journey into creativity in the mid 90’s.Hailing from Columbus, Ohio his roots couldn’t have been established in a better place.With the Mid-West to E...
LUMBINI 19 Sep 2011 | 05:27 am
Lumbini, the birth place of Lord Buddha, is situated in mid– west region of nepal in Rupandehi district of Lumbini zone in Nepal. It is about 300 km.far west from Kathmandu. Kapilvastu, Buddh...
postcards of Minnesota, lady slipper, Eckankar 9 May 2011 | 12:31 am
I received these two cards on the same day from my blog buddy Lynn. Thanks! Minnesota postcard postcard of Eckankar Temple I've never been to Minnesota, in fact I've never seen the US Mid-West. I i...
Survival: Snow Shelter 22 Feb 2011 | 09:56 am
I know I've posted on this type of stuff before but I hail from the Mid-West where we just got a huge ice storm so This is nearly what I'm doing. My house has no power, heat, water, or internet.
One Team – One Fight (Message delivered at this mornings Prayer Breakfast) 27 Mar 2008 | 05:11 pm
One Team – One Fight John 8:1-11 I have heard the story told of an All American kid named John who grew up in the mid-west in the 1940’s. He was popular among his friends and successful academicall...
Baseball (Pro) 13 May 2012 | 09:32 am
Nine-Year MLB Baseball Player A nine year professional in-fielder with a successful MLB franchise in the Mid-West was facing Free Agency at the end of the 2004 season. He was batting just over .200 a...
Tragedy strikes a 7 year old “Entrepreneur” from the mid-west 25 Aug 2010 | 02:48 am
I was born an “Entrepreneur” the awareness of my creativity came to the surface when I was seven… It was the summer of 1967 I was a freckled fiery redhead with two large teeth in front. I had a love ...
All About Ray’s Las Vegas 29 Mar 2009 | 09:39 am
In June of 2000, I was hired as Executive Vice-President of a very large company in the Mid-West. I held my first two annual conventions in Minneapolis, as the company had done in the past. In 2002, I...
Plumber St Louis – Keep your Water Pipes from Freezing 18 Jan 2011 | 07:17 am
We are in the middle of winter here in the Mid-West and a big problem is water pipes freezing. Many times when a pipe freezes it will split or break. This is not good. In most cases it is best to do ...
4 Free Producer Kits (Coast 2 Coast) 23 Jul 2010 | 06:14 am
4 Free Drum Kits In 1, East Coast, Dirty South, Mid West, And West Coast CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD