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Il botto di Capodanno: MusicaMetal si sposta su Soundsblog 31 Dec 2012 | 12:20 pm
No, non è uno scherzo. Forse il tempismo non è perfetto, e forse il titolo sbarazzino sembra scherzare, ma è vero: questo è il mio ultimo post per MusicaMetal su Blogosfere. Continua a leggere Il bot...
MusicaMetal 2012: un anno di concerti, foto, report 28 Dec 2012 | 01:22 pm
Con un collage dei migliori (e ambitissimi) foto pass del 2012, vi presento un lungo riassunto (a base di link) dei concerti seguiti da MusicaMetal quest'anno. Oltre un migliaio di foto, migliaia di r...
More mike portnoy related news:
Dream Theater anuncia a saída do baterista Mike Portnoy 11 Sep 2010 | 09:18 am
A banda Dream Theater anunciou nesta quinta-feira (9) em seu site oficial a saída do baterista Mike Portnoy. Portnoy era líder do grupo de metal progressivo, com John Myung (baixo) e John Petrucci (gu...
Neal Morse junto a Mike Portnoy en México 24 Mar 2011 | 02:18 am
Join Neal and his 8-Piece Prog Powerhouse for a tour that’s bigger, longer and probably louder than any before. Experience 50 full minutes of tunes! Wait, this is Neal Morse, who are we kidding? Expe...
Ini Dia Alasan Mike Portnoy Hengkang Dari Dream Theater ! 31 Oct 2010 | 10:13 am
Drummer Mike Portnoy dari band metal progresif Dream Theater telah mengeluarkan sebuah pengumuman mengejutkan Rabu (08/09) kemarin. Dia mundur dari band legendaris tersebut. Apa yang sebenarnya terjad...
Dream Theater Malakukan Audisi Drummer Kelas Dunia 30 Oct 2010 | 09:32 pm
Di sebuah interview dengan Metal Messiah Radio, vokalis Dream Theater James LaBrie melaporkan perkembangan bandnya setelah sepeninggalan Mike Portnoy. LaBrie berkata kepada DJ D.C. Green bahwa Dream T...
Mike Mangini New DT Drummer 5 May 2011 | 08:49 pm
A little more than a month after drummer Mike Portnoy’s sudden departure from Dream Theater, the band hosted auditions in New York City. Over a productive three-day period, the band played, jammed and...
Mike Portnoy- Fatal Tragedy 14 Feb 2011 | 07:57 am
Here’s just a cool video of Mike Rocking out to his song Fatal Tragedy. Good beat, but even better performance. About 16 seconds in he looks like the drumming devil. The same intesnsity can be seen ab...
Mike Portnoy- Paradigm Shift 13 Feb 2011 | 01:37 pm
Here’s another informational video from Mike Portnoy’s Liquid Drum Theater DVD. In this clip, Mike breaks down the intro to the song Paradigm Shift, which he invented on the spot. It begins with a sim...
ADRENALINE MOB — the new band featuring former DREAM THEATER/AVENGED SEVENFOLD drummer Mike Portnoy 26 Jun 2011 | 10:06 am
only music,ADRENALINE MOB — the new band featuring former DREAM THEATER/AVENGED SEVENFOLD drummer Mike Portnoy, SYMPHONY X frontman Russell Allen, guitar virtuoso Mike Orlando (SONIC STOMP), bassist P...
Robb Flynn On That Metal Show! 29 Mar 2012 | 12:00 pm
Season 10 of That Metal Show kicks off this Saturday with Machine Head's Robb Flynn and Metallica's Lars Ulrich reminiscing about wild nights on tour, Dream Theater's Mike Portnoy drumming and more! C...
Mike Mangini ile Dream Theater 13 Jul 2012 | 09:17 pm
Dream Theater – USA Album : A Dramatic Turn of Events- 2011 Title : On The Backs of Angels Dream Theater‘ ın efsane davulcusu Mike Portnoy‘ un ayrılışından sonraki ilk albümü. Davulun başına Mike ...